The primary issues facing young people in the Borough currently are the lack of youth provision and mental health, which are seen as national concerns. Both of these issues were amplified immediately following Covid-19, with a significant number of the Borough’s already limited youth provision closing down, and all young people having faced disruption through the temporary closure of schools. The Council’s Community Safety & Youth Officer has drafted a Youth Engagement Strategy for the Council, covering a five year period, to address these concerns as well as develop ‘Youth Voice’ work in the Borough, ensuring that young people’s views on matters that affect them are given appropriate weighting through consultation, and the redevelopment of the Council’s Youth Council. This strategy is being updated with the newly released 2021 Census data before being submitted to the Council’s PFD Committee for consideration and adoption. One of the longer term objectives proposed in this draft strategy is the election of a ‘Youth Mayor’ for the Borough who will serve as a first citizen for young people.
Elliot Hall and Oadby Youth Centre are the only two remaining ‘generic’ youth provision, with Elliot Hall attracting around 60 young people per week. Elliot Hall has seen an increase in young people self-harming and now has a volunteer counsellor attend the provision to provide support. Elliot Hall is also developing a football project with Leicester City, and a graffiti project with Network Rail. The majority of Elliot Halls funding comes via subs and grants. A National Lottery grant has recently been submitted to boost the funding available.
Youth buses – both no longer operate due to costs. LCC and Reality Youth Project.
South Wigston young people are at risk of being tarred with the same brush due to ASB and drugs issues.
The Council has recently undertaken a closure order in Blaby Road, South Wigston following intervention by the Council. Any other intelligence received by the Council and Police will be acted upon. Groups of young people gathering outside Milners, wearing balaclavas, have become an additional concerns.
Concerns were raised around two betting shops in Oadby Parade that are offering “other items”. It was suggested this is reported to the Council’s Licensing Team, and to the Police where appropriate. This will be reported currently through the Police’s Intelligence Portal.
Elliot Hall currently offers 14 groups, with 4 new groups coming after April. 2 of these are youth work sessions, there is also a young carers group run in support with Young Leicestershire. An SEN group will also be starting up on a Saturday morning, which counsellors and youth workers will be facilitating. Staff at Elliot Hall have also received training on transgender issues. The majority of projects offered at Elliot Hall are ‘hands on’ including crochet, woodworking, etc. There are concerns that once funding runs out these individuals will disengage from Elliot Hall. All staff at Elliot Hall are volunteers and do not charge a wage.
Concerns were raised around a ‘vigilante group’ of sorts that has formed in Oadby following a spate of burglaries where young people are being photographed and their images shared online.
Supersonic Boom – A desire amongst attendees to see the event return; this is preferred over a fair on Blaby Road Park due to the risk of damage to the park surface.