Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents


Dorset Ave – Speed Control – The post has been installed but the top has not been situated. It is thought that the camera was in situ for one evening only, and removed the next day. Cllr. Boulter will chase up on this with LCC Highways.


Rubbish bin outside Milners on Blaby Road – New bin has been installed, but the old bin next to it remains full and has not been emptied for some time. The bins at the train station also require emptying, and have been full for roughly two weeks. Town centre bins should be emptied every day, there are 900 bins in the Borough and one operative currently to service these. A list of frequency for bin emptying has been drafted for high traffic areas.


Countesthorpe Road, Alpha House – Query raised around the plans for the building as it is in a “terrible state”. Planning applications are received for this building on a fairly regular basis, all of which have been passed, but it is now up to the owners to carry out the works.


Electrification of the Railway – Query raised around how the height of the railway bridge will be addressed as part of the electrification works. The railway line cannot be lowered, and raising the height of the bridge will cause significant disruption. Works are underway, and will take 3 years, but there is no information around the bridge height available at present. The works are thought to be behind plans at present.


Nautical William, Wigston – A resident queried the planning application in place for a place of worship and community centre at this location. Planning has already been passed for houses to be built at the site but Section 106 monies are still awaited. The planning application for the community centre has not been verified as yet, and comments in support of the application from outside the Borough will not be considered as part of the process.


William Gunning Park – Concerns were raised around flooding on and around the park following heavy rain that can overwhelm the drainage system in place.

Street Cleansing – During winter several people slipped outside of the Co-Op due to fallen leaves. The awaited repairs for the pavement sweeper were noted again. This is noted to also be an issue outside of South Wigston High School.

Tackle Shop – A large puddle forms outside the shop during rain due to the condition of the pavement and the tree that is growing there. The Chair will raise this with County Highways.


Crow Mills – A bench is to be installed that overlooks the water meadows, placed on the grass verge there.


Communication with Residents – Concerns were raised that the majority of communications from the Council were going digital, which excludes older residents. What is the Council doing to address this? A newsletter goes out twice a year to all properties in the Borough, and a venue is being sought for South Wigston where face to face meetings can be held with Council staff once the move to Brocks Hill is complete. The Local Area Coordinators are also a great point of contact for residents. A new electronic board will be erected near the college in the new financial year. The Council’s Town Centre Manager notes that these digital signs are “quite effective”, with the new boards being a technological improvement on the existing boards. OWBC Comms Team are responsible for the information displayed on these boards, and partners can utilise them to advertise other services in the Borough.


Rat Problem – Irlam Street and Garden Street have noted increased rat activity due to building works. Environmental Health should be contacted in regards of this.


Garden Waste – Collection service restarts 27 February. The Council’s website states collection dates are split into Week A and Week B, but does not make a distinction for residents. However if they enter their postcode or address exact collection dates for the upcoming three weeks are available.


South Wigston Conservative Club – Unsure if the building is still in use. Some residents believe it is open as usual.


King’s Coronation Plans – A planning meeting for this took place last Friday (17 February). A fair is expected on Blaby Road Park for two or three days as part of this, with no events on the Saturday of the coronation in order to allow people to watch the event. Some areas are doing breakfasts on the Sunday or Monday of the coronation. The Council is awaiting details of planned events from community groups to collate into a Borough schedule of celebrations. The timing of the coronation in relation to local elections has presented difficulties for the Council in terms of staffing events. Road closures for bigger events can be applied for with the County Council which are likely to be approved free of charge.


Attendance at the resident forums is low compared to previous meetings, with email addresses etc. being collected on sign-in sheets at the start of the forums to rebuild the mailing lists for them. Residents noted that many people have a view of “the Council won’t deal with it”, and won’t then raise or report an issue, which unfortunately is often because the Council is unaware of the matter that needs addressing. Issues should always be reported so that they can be rectified where possible.