The Council gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out at pages 19 - 107 of the main agenda reports pack) and the supplementary papers (as set at pages 3 - 5 of the supplementary agenda reports pack) which asked it
· to approve the 2020/21 Budget (including approval of Council Tax and Housing Revenue Account Rents) (“the Budget”);
· to approve the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (2021/22 to 2024/25) (“the MTFS”); and
· to consider the statutory report of the Chief Financial Officer / Section 151 Officer under section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 (as amended) (“the Section 25 Report”).
as commended by the Chair of the Policy, Finance and Development Committee.
An amendment was moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council and seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris, proposing that in respect of recommendation A, the words:
· ‘…the future savings, income generation, growth proposals and fees & charges proposals…’ be replaced with;
· ‘…the 2020/21 savings, income generation, growth and fees and charges proposals are accepted and the 2021/22 and subsequent years new proposals be subject to Member review…’.
The amendment was put to the vote and was carried unanimously.
Councillor G A Boulter requested that further details be provided to Members outside of the meeting regarding the leased depot vehicle (as referred to at page 33 of the of the main agenda reports pack).
It was moved by Councillor D A Gamble, seconded by Councillor Dr I K Ridley that the recommendations (as amended) be put to the vote en bloc and
(i) That Full Council approves:
(a) The General Fund Budget for 2020/21 and MTFS 2021/22 to 2024/25 (including Reserves & Capital) (as set out at paragraph(s) 2.1, Table 1, 2.2(a) and 4 of the report and section(s) 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 of the appendix);
(b) An increase of £5 in Council Tax for 2020/21 i.e. the Band D charge will increase to £229.50 (£224.50, 2019/20) (as set out at paragraph(s) Table 1 and 2.2(c) of the report and the formal resolution on the Council Tax at section item(s) (a) to (e) of the appendix, together with the supplementary papers);
(c) The Housing Revenue Account for 2020/21 and the MTFS 2021/22 to 2024/25 (including Reserves & Capital) (as set out at paragraphs 3.1, Table 2, 3.2(a) and 4 of the report and section(s) 3.0 and 5.0 of the Appendix);
(d) An increase in rent of 2.7%, an average rent increase of £2.03 per week, taking it to £77.44 per week (£75.41, 2019/20) and specific charges of 2.7% (as set out at paragraph(s) 3.1, Table 2 and 3.2(b) or the report and section(s) 5.0 of the appendix);
(e) The 2020/21 savings, income generation, growth and fees and charges proposals are accepted and the 2021/22 and subsequent years new proposals be subject to Member review (as set out at paragraph(s) 2.1 of the report and section(s) 1.0 of the appendix); and
(f) The 2020/21 Treasury Management, Capital, Investment and Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategies; Minimum Revenue Provision Statement and Prudential Indicators (as set out at paragraph(s) 5 of the report and section(2) 4.0 of the appendix).
(ii) That Full Council considers the Section 25 Report and comments as it considers necessary (as set out at paragraph(s) 7 and section(s) 7.0 of the appendix).
In accordance with Rules 18.3 and 18.4 of Part 4 of the Constitution and Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 (as amended), the names of the Members who casted a vote for the motion or against the motion or who abstained from voting were recorded as follows:
Votes For (19) |
Votes Against (0) |
Abstentions (0) |
N Alam |
G A Boulter |
J W Boyce |
Mrs L M Broadley |
F S Broadley |
D M Carter |
M H Charlesworth |
M L Darr |
D A Gamble |
Mrs S Z Haq |
Miss P V Joshi |
J Kaufman |
Mrs L Kaufman |
C D Kozlowski |
K J Loydall JP |
D W Loydall |
Mrs S B Morris |
R E R Morris |
Dr I K Ridley |
Supporting documents: