Damage to grass verges and pavements experiencing inconsiderate usage
Anyone unable to pass a double buggy or wheelchair on a blocked pavement must report this to the Police, not the local Council. If visibility at road junction is blocked this is also deemed to be a Police matter.
The County Council is putting more funding into the local Council’s budget to address maintaining the grass verges to stop people parking on them. The County Council is responsible for tarmacking roads and will not tarmac verges.
It was noted that some agency staff who empty the litter bins drive on to the wet grass on William Gunning Park. The County Council will not repair grass verges nor reinstate them. It will not take action against anyone damaging them. The County Council views verges as part of the Highway.
Vans and Lorries parking on Countesthorpe Road are alleged to cause chaos in the mornings. Enforcement Officers talk to the van drivers, take their vehicle numbers and administer warnings where obstructions are caused. The County Council can also have the vans removed for causing an obstruction.
The Chair will speak to the appropriate local Council department to request bin men on emptying the bins do not drive across the verges.
Christmas Lights at South Wigston Christmas Capers
A Resident noted the Christmas lights looked sparse. It is open to all Forums to buy extra lights. The end of Gloucester Crescent adjacent to Fairfield Primary School is very dark. People are afraid to walk alone because there is no lighting on the path leading up to Sussex Road. It was said that there was originally a plan in place to provide lighting on the path adjacent to William Gunning Park.
The draining work is in a similar area to the path and will also be addressed.
Sussex Road Lighting
Request the local Council check whether it is doable to assess the feasibility of putting in a light on the path adjacent to Sussex Road. This could be done with S106 Programme monies.
Bring a feasibility study to the next Residents Forum meeting.
Arriva Bus Station
Councillors Mrs R Adams and the Chair are endeavouring to meet with Arriva Transport based in South Wigston. This is an ongoing action. It was suggested that Arriva provide an off-peak timecard rate for commuters and provide a bus service to cover peak hours. This would avoid having to provide two buses. Centre bus is subsidised by the City and it goes up to Leicester general hospital. The Arriva Bus Depot is up for auction.
Request information from Arriva Transport bus service on what the future plans are for bus provision in the South Wigston area.
Closure of the Records Office on Long Street
The Records Office is to be moved to County Hall. The building on Long Street will be vacant. This might take 6 years if Capital Programme monies cannot be found.
Community Safety Partnership Survey 2019-2020
Residents were reminded to have their say by completing the Community Safety Partnership survey. The time frame for completion has been extended to the end of February 2020.
Community Action Partnership (CAP)
Suzanna Bresnihan apologised for not being able to attend this evening’s meeting.
Invite CAP to attend the next meeting to talk about their Social Car Scheme and the recruitment of volunteers.
Dog Mess on pavements
There is an issue with dog mess on pavements in South Wigston. A resident made a stage 1 complaint to customer services about dog mess. Councillor Boulter is to raise this matter tomorrow. He explained that Public Space Protection Orders are adopted by the local Council and are enforced. Anyone who notices a breach of such notices must report them.
A resident complained that Kenilworth Drive is littered with dog mess. Customer Services need to notify Oadby Depot to have the dog mess removed. This is to be checked with the Environmental Health Team and a report taken back on this to the next Forum meeting.
The Chair requested the Borough Council provide residents with a copy of the current Protocol for dealing with clearing dog mess and prosecuting those who allow their dog to defecate on the pavements.
Emergency Ambulance Services Charity Shop in Wigston and Fly Tipping
The Wombles Group reported that at the back of the Air Ambulance Store that there was a lot of fly tipping of mattresses and glass. This is a fire hazard. The Council is not allowed to clear fly-tipping from private land. It was suggested that this was a matter for the Fire Brigade to investigate. Fly tipping has also been spotted behind Bassett Street.
Cyclists’ Use of Pavements
Cyclists are now legally able to ride on pavements as this has been decriminalized. Saffron Road is very narrow, and people cycle along it. The Police will deal with people using pavements inappropriately.
Arriva Bus Station in South Wigston
The bus station site will be used for building housing or a doctor’s surgery. Permission has been granted. Surgeries are individual businesses. Doctors pay a notional rent and get a notional amount of money.
The Wombles Group
If anyone wishes to join the Wombles they can do so by accessing their Facebook page or a resident can send them a message to request they clear a particular area. To access the Facebook page click the following link. https://www.facebook.com/groups/604107836721038/
Celebration of VE Day & VJ Day
Celebration of VE (Victory in Europe)day takes place on May 8th 2020. Celebrations for VJ (Victory over Japan) day takes place over the: 14th, 15th and 16th August 2020. Residents will be informed of the activities to be held once confirmed.