Agenda item

Review of the Proposed Action Plan


K Radford went through the proposed Action Plan and the progress that had arisen from the eight recommendations from the Health Summit. These have now been built into a 10 point proposed action plan.


Action 1 – Responsibility – Dr V Varakantam


Developing further understanding – Explore whether it is possible to evaluate population data in different ways.


Update – K Radford explained that he had received an e mail from Vivienne Robbins and that this action was currently on hold until he has spoken to Dr Kath Packham, who is covering for Vivienne Robins, whilst she on Maternity Leave.


Action 2 – Responsibility – Mrs A Lennox MBE


OWBC – Consider Reviewing the Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference, including attendance list, action plan governance, the use of task and finish groups and wider partner communication (including dissemination and possible bulletins to wider partners)



i)             Terms of reference were discussed and the Chair asked for agreement. These were agreed after a query was raised regarding the frequency of board meetings. It was agreed 3 meetings plus a Health Summit annually.

ii)            Task and Finish Groups would report back when relevant with specific actions.

iii)           The membership of the board was also discussed and the structure below was agreed.


The Health and wellbeing board will consist of members from Public and Third Sector organisations


Board Membership


·         Chair

·         GP (Primary Care Network)

·         GP (East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG)

·         Council Officer x 2

·         East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG management lead

·         Councillors x 7




Other attendees for the board will include representatives from

·         Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service

·         Local Police

·         Council departments

·         Local Area Coordinators

·         First Contact

·         Public Health

·         Adult Social Care

·         GP Practice Manager

·         Education / School Support

·         LPT – District Nursing

·         Children and Young Families


Additional representatives may be invited to attend at the discretion of the board.




A quorum shall be made of the Chair plus at least one GP representative and one Council Officer representative.


Action: Mr K Radford to update ToR


Action 3 – Responsibility – Cllr Jeffrey Kaufman & relevant politicians


Connecting the three communities – Explore the possibility of improved transport links between South Wigston, Wigston and Oadby. E.g. public transport and volunteer transport for specific events/activities.


Update – Improved Transport links - Cllr G A Boulter gave an update to the board regarding a discussion he had with Arriva and was in potential negotiation for transport from Wigston to South Wigston Health Centre. He will update at the next meeting.


Action 4 – Responsibility – S W Health Centre (Dr V Varakantam)


Community Engagement – Consider developing a programme of engagement events in local communities such as health and wellbeing fairs and community health checks in accessible places such as supermarkets and community spaces.  Link to Health and Wellbeing Action Plan to increase communication, collaboration and co-ordination across organisations.


Update – Dr Varakantam updated the board on two health fairs. One at Two Steeple Surgery and one at South Wigston Health Centre.  The South Wigston Health Centre event wasn’t held in the summer and will now take place in February/March 2020. The Two Steeple Surgery event will be after held after that.


The Board agreed that they would fully support the health fairs and a KPI was agreed that we should deliver two health events per year in the borough.


The Chair recommended that the Leicestershire Fire Service have involvement in these events and Kane Radford to contact and invite a representative from Leicestershire Fire Service.


Action: K Radford to invite Leicestershire Fire Service to health and wellbeing fairs.


S Rose suggested that it would be a good idea to produce an Engagement Plan which outlines any Health Events/Campaigns that the HWBB are delivering during the year, in addition to any other health related events in the borough which could be included so there is better communication between wider partners. To compliment this it was also agreed that a Task and Finish Group which will focus on these events/campaigns would be useful to set up.


The core board agreed to meet again in October/November to discuss the production of an engagement plan.


Action:  Kane Radford to organise a meeting to discuss the engagement plan


K Radford suggested that Hollie Hutchinson’s LCC Public Health Improvement Team would be integral to assisting the board with the delivery of Health Campaigns.


Action:  Kane Radford to meet with Hollie Hutchinson to discuss and he will invite her to the next meeting.


Action 5 – Responsibility – Hussein Khan


Raise awareness of the health inequalities in the local education settings across the district by sharing the review and ensuring a representative on the Health and Wellbeing Board is aware. 


Review local schools and nurseries progress on the “Leicestershire Health Schools” and “Leicestershire Health Tots” programmes.  Potential ambition could be for all schools to have enhanced Health Schools status and nurseries to have Health Tots accreditation.


Update – H Khan updated the board that he hasn’t held a Task and Finish group as yet as he is waiting from direction from the Group.


Action: Dr V Varakantam to arrange a meeting with Dr K Packham, H Khan and K Radford to discuss the Health Inequality data and the direction of the Task and Finish Group.


Action 6 – Responsibility – Sharon Rose


Social Prescribing - Ensure Primary Care Network (PCNs) potential social prescribing funding is fully maximised by considering how it links to the current Leicestershire social prescribing system, including First Contact Plus, Local Area Co-ordinators and care co-ordinators.


Update – S Rose stated that all Oadby and Wigston GP Practices have recently undergone Active Signposting training, in order to communicate other health related services/programmes in the borough better.


Following on from this topic It was agreed by the board that it was important to embed the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) and First Contact Plus schemes across partner agencies in the Borough. These schemes support social prescribing and enable staff to have health conversations and make appropriate referrals to prevention services as a core part of their role.


Action: K Radford to invite Debbie Preston from LCC First Contact Plus to the next meeting to discuss.


Action 7 – Responsibility – Kane Radford


Improving Communication – Across organisations and with local residents. Explore the possibility of creating one single resource, such as an online directory, which contains detailed information on all local public, community and voluntary services in the Oadby and Wigston area.  This may be used by professionals and residents.  Consideration is needed to maintain the resource in a timely way.  Example of directory is


Update – The board discussed the idea of an on-line directory. Concern arose around the ability to keep this up to date with ongoing changes that would happen. Previously Vivienne Robbins had mentioned that Leicestershire County Council has a Directory of Service and it may be worthwhile utilising this document better.


Action: OWBC officers to report back by January 2020 on proposed approach to improving communication of health services and interventions.


Action 8 – Responsibility – Dr V Varakantam


South Wigston Health Centre ELR CCG to review and prioritise the opportunities to re-develop the South Wigston Health Centre building. This may include potential space for a community asset/room to deliver social prescribing within the heart of the community.


Update - Dr V Varakantam updated the board that the South Wigston Health Centre had submitted a NHS funding application to redevelop the practice, which was progressing well through the different application stages.


There was a further discussion about the East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG applying for local Section 106 funding via the Local Authority, as there seems to be some confusion about the process between local GP practices. It was agreed that the relationship between the ELCCG and OWBC Planning Team could potentially be improved.




i)             K Radford to get an update of the current OWBC Section 106 process for the next meeting.

ii)            K Radford to ensure that information about the weekly planning list is communicated to the appropriate person at the ELCCG.

iii)           K Radford to invite the OWBC Planning Policy and Economic Regeneration Team to the next meeting.


Action 9 – Responsibility – Kane Radford

Review the social value element of a range of public sector contracts to identify any community assets/spaces within the area that could support social prescribing and community development.  Consider small no-recurrent funding streams to support hiring private venues if no local free assets are available.


Update – The group agreed that mapping existing community venues for use by local Health programmes and campaigns would be useful.


Action: K Radford will produce this prior to the next meeting.


Action 10 – Responsibility – Cllr Jeffrey Kaufman


Housing was felt to impact upon the health inequalities and individuals commented that there has been “massive” expansion of housing the local area with ‘no thought’ for health services.  In South Wigston there is more social housing and many of the privately rented housing stock is in poor condition, including homes with damp and no central heating.



Update - Mr T Cawthorne, OWBC Regulatory Services Manager updated the Board on the Selective Licensing Proposal currently out for consultation within South Wigston.  He talked through the potential benefits that a Selective Licensing Scheme could have to the South Wigston area.


Action: T Cawthorne to update the board at the next meeting of the outcome of the Selective Licencing Consultation.


Action: K Radford to invite the OWBC Housing Manager Leah Montia to the next meeting as she may be able to help further with this action.