Parking on Verges and damaged to flower bulbs
The Public need to be discouraged from parking their vehicles on top of Crocuses planted in the verges.
Petition brought by a resident concerning the provision of help with utility bills
A resident brought a Petition to the notice of the Residents Forum. The Petition concerned Government making available funds to support families with the cost of utility bills where a family member is dying from Cancer. 10,000 signatures must be collected by the Petitioner before Government will consider the Petition. A copy of the Petition was available for residents present to sign.
Data Protection Information
The Chair reminded Residents that in order for them to be added to the Wigston Residents Forum database they must provide written consent to the Community Engagement Officer.
The condition of Trees at St Wistan Church
The question was raised regarding the state of trees at St Wistan Church. The Chair is to meet with the Verger of the Church to discuss this. Limbs of trees are dropping off.
The Chair is to update the Wigston Civic Society and the Greater Wigston Historical Society on this matter relating to Wistan Church and trees.
Arriva Bus Service
Discussion regarding the Arriva Bus Service concluded with the observation that bus routes will not be subsidised. Further discussion on the Arriva bus service is to take place.
Change in the layout of Wigston Swimming Bath Pool Lanes
A number of residents noted that they wished to see a change to the layout of Wigston Swimming Pool lanes.
The Chair is to discuss this matter with the Head of the Council`s Community and Wellbeing Service.
Access to the footpath from Glenmore to the Meadow
The footpath from Glenmore to the Meadow is locked off for access at the beginning of the school day. A fence has been built across the Railway line. .Residents wish to get the path reinstated. It was explained that the County Council is responsible for footpaths.
The condition of the road surface between Carlton Drive and Leicester Road
A Resident expressed concern as to the dangerous state of the surface of the stretch of road between Carlton Drive and Leicester Road .It was reported as very bumpy and uneven.
The Chair is to address the repair of the road surface with the County Council.
Letting of empty shops in Wigston
Residents wished to know what the Local Council can do to ensure there are no empty shops in Wigston. The Town Centre Manager is addressing this matter. Winchester Cathedral owns a group of shops in Wigston. A single person who resides in Switzerland owns shops on the Parade in Wigston. To improve the shops by putting up murals in the shop windows requires the owners` permission. There is to be a shop window competition hosted at Christmas.VE (Victory in Europe) Day will be used as another opportunity to host advertising in empty shop windows.
Celebrating VE (Victory in Europe) and VJ (Victory over Japan) Celebrations in 2020
Year 2020 will see the Local Council celebrate VE (Victory in Europe) Day on May Bank Holiday and VJ (Victory over Japan Day) in August.
Recycling bins
Residents were invited to let the Local Council know if they have any issues with their recycling bins. Residents were instructed not to overfill the bins as the lids can snap off once they are lifted. To date no staff has sustained injuries from handling the bins.
Residents complimented the Local Authority on how useful the bins are. Some residents requested that the bins be placed next to the edge of the curtilage next to the property once they have been emptied. Placing them by the edge of the curb causes pedestrian obstruction.
A new system is in place for reporting items, which must not be placed in the bins.
Hedges and Trees
It was suggested that the Local Authority take photos of overgrown hedges. Such hedges cause obstruction along the Highways.
A tree along Guthlaxton Way has been cut and the cuttings placed along the Green. Residents deemed this action not to be unacceptable and a nuisance.