Agenda item

Health Inequalities Report

Dr Emily Maile (HEEM Leadership and Management Fellow)


Dr Emily Maile (HEEM Leadership and Management Fellow), presented the findings from the Health Summit. In addition to the findings from the Health Summit further work was undertaken by Dr Maile. This included semi-structured interviews and focus groups with key local individuals, healthcare professionals, organisations and local residents in order to develop a more detailed understanding of the wider issues and potential solutions.


The thematic analysis identified nine main themes, many of which were further divided into subthemes; three communities, services, collaborative working, education and employment, engagement, individual beliefs and behaviours, local environment, population demographics and mental health.


The report makes eight recommendations for consideration for future action by the Oadby and Wigston Health & Wellbeing Board and East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee.


          Recommendation 1 - Developing further understanding:


Further explore whether it is possible to evaluate the population data in different ways e.g. by GP practice in order to develop a better understanding of Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston as separate communities.


Recommendation 2 - Oadby & Wigston BC Health and Wellbeing Board:


Consider reviewing the Oadby & Wigston Borough Council Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference, including attendance list, action plan governance, the use of task and finish groups and wider partner communication (including minutes dissemination and possible bulletin to wider partners).


Recommendation 3 - Connecting the Three Communities:


Explore the possibility of improved transport link between South Wigston, Wigston and Oadby. i.e. public transport and volunteer transport for specific events/activities (e.g. activities at Parklands Leisure Centre).


Consider creating a leaflet containing information for health professionals and residents regarding all transport options, including public transport and voluntary transport.


Recommendation 4 - Community Engagement:


Consider developing a programme of engagement events in the local communities such as health and wellbeing fairs and community health checks in accessible places such as supermarkets and community spaces. Link to Health and Wellbeing Board action plan, to increase communication, collaboration and co-ordination across organisations.






Recommendation 5 - Education:


Raise awareness of the health inequalities in the local education settings across the district by sharing the attached review and ensuring a representative on the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Review local schools and nurseries progress on the "Leicestershire Healthy Schools" and "Leicestershire Healthy Tots" programmes. Potential ambition could be for all schools to have enhanced Healthy Schools status and nurseries to have Healthy Tots accreditation.


Recommendation 6 - Social Prescribing:


Ensure Primary Care Network (PCNs) potential social prescribing funding is fully maximised by considering how it links to the current Leicestershire social prescribing system, including First Contact Plus, Local Area Coordinators and care coordinators.  


Embed Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Plus across partner agencies to support social prescribing and for staff to embed prevention conversations and appropriate referrals to prevention services as a core part of their role.


Recommendation 6a - Improving Communication across Organisations and with Local Residents:


Explore the possibility of creating one single resource, such as an online directory, which contains detailed information on all local public, community and voluntary services in the Oadby and Wigston area. This may be used by professionals and residents. Consideration is needed to maintain the resource in a timely way. Examples include The Bury Directory (


Recommendation 7 - South Wigston Health Centre:


East Leicestershire & Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group (ELR CCG) to review and prioritise opportunities to re-develop the South Wigston Health Centre building. This may include potential space for a community asset/room to deliver social prescribing within the heart of the community.


Recommendation 8 - Community Spaces:


Review the social value element of a range of public sector contracts to identify any community assets/ spaces within the area that could support social prescribing and community development. Consider small non-recurrent funding streams to support hiring private venues if no local free assets are available.


Supporting documents: