Agenda item

The Council's Corporate Plan (2019-2024)

Report of the Chief Executive / Head of Paid Service


The Committee gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 7-8 of the agenda, which asked it to consider and comment upon the draft Corporate Plan for 2019-2024.


The Committee were presented with a detailed draft of the Corporate Plan, included in the plan were the draft visions and strategies that would guide the Councils direction, in order to facilitate Members aspirations for the Borough over the next five years.

Members were advised that each department within the Authority had participated in producing the sub objectives of the proposed corporate plan to ensure that targets were applicable and achievable to service departments.


Members noted that one of the Councils proposed corporate focuses would relate to ‘Building, Protecting and Empowering Communities’, and would be achieved through supporting positive community wellbeing and cohesion.


Members were informed that as part of this initiative the Council would aim to deliver diverse and high quality developments which would in addition raise environmental standards, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

The Committee encouraged the concept of this theme and were assured that in alignment with this target, all planning applications would adhere to the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) before any approval of new builds could be granted, in order to ensure consistent quality throughout developments within the Borough.


The Committee requested that Officers consider the Councils current stance on mandatory registration for private landlords, to offer residents living within the Borough further protection and assurance. Officers confirmed that this scheme could be reviewed and reported upon to Members.


The Committee were informed on the methods that, going forward would be implemented to achieve the targets set to empower communities within the Borough. Members were advised that proposals are in place to implement a new Citizens Panel, to increase the opportunity of resident participation and therefore encourage residents to become positively involved with the future shaping of the Borough.


The Committee were advised that significant development in Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston would be required to boost economic regeneration. As part of the target, Members were informed that a detailed bid would be developed in order to access funding from the ‘Future High Streets Fund’, further explanation detailed that funding would increase the Councils financial capacity with regards to the strategy.


In response to Members enquiries regarding the ongoing position of the Borough’s ‘Empty Homes Strategy’, Officers confirmed that a new working group has been recently been established to collate information and create an action plan that, as requested could be reported at the relevant Committee meeting in addition to a quarterly update being include in the Members bulletin.

The Committee were advised that a new housing strategy has been produced to identify key areas of development that will address the requirements of the Borough’s residential demographic for the future.

Members stated their desire to increase the number of affordable houses, Officers confirmed that the Council are intending to work with developers to ensure that the needs of the area are addressed through future developments.


As part of the proposed Corporate Plan, further emphasis and resource is set to be allocated to developing and understanding business needs within the Borough. It was suggested that further investment in resources should be allocated to industrial estates that currently exist within the area.

In order to assist the Council to achieve the proposed initiative, Members were informed that a new job post had been created. The new Marketing and Insight Manager will oversee and aim to change the way the Council interacts with businesses with the intention of increasing business investment and tourism throughout the Borough.


The Chief Executive confirmed that a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) would be created for each proposed target to measure whether the initiatives had been implemented successfully.


By affirmation of the meeting it was



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