Agenda item

Local Policing Issues


The Police provided an apology for their absence.


Councillor K Loydall provided the following update:


·         Any crimes showing statistical spikes will be provided with resources.

·         Overall crime has decreased. In addition to this it was noted that volume of burglaries in the area, are also in decline.

·         Diwali season has seen extra policing resources being used at different periods.


A leaflet was circulated at the meeting containing information, updates and events accessible via Neighbourhood Link.

The link provides access to free information and the contact details for the Local Beat Officer, in order for residents to ring the relevant Officer without having to call 101.


Wednesday evening 07 November 2018, saw Councillor Kevin Loydall patrolling with the local Police Sergeant around the Oadby Grange area. The Sergeant and the Councillor dropped in to see a resident, who was very pleased to see them. The resident commented positively on the neighbourhood signs displayed around the area.


A Scam Avoidance School presentation is to be delivered on 04 February 2019 at 2pm. The venue is the Salvation Army in South Wigston. The Senior Citizens Action Group is to host this event and Santander is to provide a guest speaker.


Councillor H Loydall noted a leaflet had been placed through residents ‘doors. It was asking residents to support the MP`s efforts to get Oadby and Wigston to pay for a new network of CCTV cameras to be installed.


The crime figures in Oadby are in decline. Although the burglary figures are down for the same period this year as for last year, there is no evidence that this is because of the street lights having been left switched on. Research regarding this issue is still ongoing.


A question was raised as to whether the Borough was to acquire CCTV cameras, where they were to be located and who was to pay for them. It was said that as the Community Safety Partnership holds the remit for tackling crime, disorder, and anti-social behaviour in the Borough, they have taken the lead on the CCTV upgrade scheme.


The existing CCTV units are to be retained, and supplemented by new units that take advantage of advances in technology including digital lenses and 4G connectivity.

Five new redeployable CCTV units have been purchased, bringing the total number of units in use in the Borough to ten.


53 lamp posts were structurally tested by LCC Highways at the request of the Community Safety Partnership, and at the Partnership’s expense. 48 lampposts passed this testing and will be installed with the relevant fixtures and fittings to host a camera.


The cost of purchasing the five new CCTV units, and the relevant fixtures and fittings, as well as the structural testing undertaken on the lampposts has currently totalled to £29,000, this has been funded by the Community Safety Partnership. Additional expenditure will be required to convert the identified lampposts into ones capable of hosting a CCTV unit.


At present LCC Highways are requesting a fee of £440 + VAT for the conversion of each lamppost. This cost is being negotiated due to the volume of work required, and will be funded by OWBC.


The Community Safety Partnership has utilised data from the Council, Police, and Fire & Rescue Service to identify locations where there is a problem or issue that the use of CCTV can address, and the tested lamp posts are in locations identified through this data across the Borough.

On the question raised as to whether old lampposts need to be checked, the reply was they have been tested for stability and safety.


The Police are not going to be paid for analysing camera content. There will be no additional cost to the Local Council in reviewing the CCTV footage either.


‘The Little Owl Neighbourhood Watch’ has been set up in Oadby. Residents there are working hard to protect their properties. Oadby street lights currently remain on for a trial period has been extended due to an increase in burglaries.


Market Harborough has spent £100,000 on developing their CCTV network’s infrastructure with an annual cost of £70,000 to manage and maintain. This Council` wishes to place the CCTV cameras in the most appropriate place to obtain value for money.