Agenda item

Matters Arising


Page 2: On behalf of residents, Councillor Boulter met with Arriva Bus service Management. This was to; discuss the reinstatement of the number 49a bus route.


Page 2: The litterbin ordered for Saffron Road has been installed.


Page 2: The Bus Shelter ordered for the junction of Gloucester Crescent and Cornwall Road has been installed.


Page 2: The Chair noted that the web link to take enquirers to the Glen Parva Prison build information has disappeared. Councillor Boyce stated the Glen Parva Prison department had informed him that the design builds and run contract may well change.

The actual Prison boundary will not change but what happens within the boundary may.


Page 3: With reference to any future South Wigston Health Centre redevelopment, the Council is working to find a potential solution.


Page 4: With regards to a request to purchase a litterbin for Countesthorpe Road, the litter bin costs £464. The purchase of the bin will be brought forward with the further involvement of more members of the public.


Page 4: With regards to the repair of the three faces of the St Thomas Church tower clock; the Reverend Chris Johnson and Councillor Boulter will meet to discuss how this is to be taken forward.


Page 4: With reference to the War Memorial and Street Furnishings at St Thomas Church, the Chair noted that the entry gate is not locked. It is just stiff, this makes it hard to open.


Page 5: Waterloo Housing Association manages Wright Place. It was acknowledged that the County Council will be required to access a Developer to address the issue of traffic build ups which residents say have led to the creation of a traffic blind spot in the Station Street, Kirkdale Road area.


Page 6: With regards to Crow Mills and the arson incident where, a seat and shelter were destroyed; Councillor Boulter, a Council Officer and a Contractor met to explore ideas as to what can be done. A non-flammable bench is to be fitted under the shelter and the roof is to be replaced with corrugated steel.


Page 6: Concerning reports of speeding on Dorset Avenue, the County Council is to do nothing about this, as it does not meet the criteria for action.


Page 6: The County Council will not intervene concerning complaints made about the number of Lorries alleged to be speeding on Dorset Avenue.


Page 6: The County Council does not view the number of Lorries using Cornwall Road as problematic.


Page 6: With regards to complaints about the number of articulated vehicles parking on Gloucester Crescent overnight, the County Council is unable to take action.


Page 6: Wickes Store opens in January 2019. Some criticism has been made regarding the Lidl Store landscaping. It was suggested that a reflective light is needed for when approaching the second island. In either direction the second island lighting is non-reflective. The Chair stated this is to be addressed.




Councillor Boyce is to take up the landscaping issue with the Planning Department.


Page 6: The Massage Parlour has not yet received planning permission or the Fire Safety Certificate.


Page7: Residents wishing to access Defibrillator training in November should, contact the Community Engagement Forum Officer at Oadby and Wigston Council.


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