Request for Support from Residents for a New Local Health and Wellbeing Business in Oadby.
Two business people, Sonul and Nick attended the meeting. They attended to request the support of residents to a consultation. This concerned the provision of a new bespoke gym, to include the provision of quality equipment for one to one instruction as well as group provision. Sonul stated she has a background in Public Health. Nick stated he is a qualified Personal Trainer. Sonul and Nick stressed they did not attend the meeting to request funding. Residents asked what type of support they were looking for from the Forum.
· A planning application is being made to the Council. On the mention of the Planning Application, two Councillors added that if the Council was addressing a planning application for this business, and they were looking for support on it, the two Councillors would have to remove themselves from the meeting, in-order to remove any potential conflict of interest.
· A resident questioned the business`s viability as she was aware Parklands offers a gym facility. Another questioned whether the Forum could address individual business needs and did not the Forum have a duty to protect vulnerable people.
· Other residents questioned whether the business had a business plan and wanted to know what was being asked of the Forum in regards to support.
· The Forum clarified that Businesses as a group was represented as members within the Forum`s Terms of Reference at point 3.1.
Sonul and Nick were advised to come back to the Forum to provide a fuller presentation once they were set up and state how the service would help children and vulnerable people in the community.
Fludes Lane Repair
Fludes Lane will be repaired with funding in the next financial year. Holes and one section is to be repaired in 2018, a further section will undergo repair in 2019.
Brocks Hill Children’s Play Area
A resident expressed concern over the condition of part of the Brocks Hill play area.
There is a rolling programme across the Borough to replace and repair equipment. The Brocks Hill Children`s Play Area equipment was removed as it was in a dangerous condition. It will be repaired and replaced. The work will be carried out in February 2019. Ordinary Capital Venture money will be used to replace equipment
Uplands Park Adult Outdoor Gym Equipment
The Adult Outdoor Gym Equipment is to be replaced with Section 106 money.
The resident who requested the Outdoor Adult Gym equipment be funded with Section 106 money stated; if she had realised the Play Area required updated equipment she would not have requested the Section 106 money be used to purchase the Adult Outdoor Gym equipment.
St Peter`s Church Internal Wall rendering
The internal walls are to be rendered. It is a grade 2-listed building .It is over 200 years old. There is a meeting to discuss this on September 6th 2018 at 7pm to discuss this.
Management of Verges by the County Council
In the minutes of June 13th June 2018, item 8 second and third bullet points note the issue of weeds in the footpaths. The gutters were described as badly maintained. A resident suggested Pride of the Borough be asked to do something about this.
A resident requested the County Council be informed about the poor state of the verges. This has previously been reported to the County Council. Comment was made that; long grass in verges trap litter and there was the risk of gutters being blocked.
Request the County Councillor write to the County Council on behalf of the Residents Forum to have the gutters and verges sprayed and provide an update at the next Forum meeting.
The State of the Verge Outside of Waitrose
A resident reported that a Waitrose vehicle had churned up the verge with a delivery van. It was suggested that stone could be placed on the verge to minimise damage. It was noted that the central reservation is the key problem concerning Waitrose. It was suggested that Waitrose be requested to make space for the trucks so they do not churn up the verge.
The Community Engagement Officer was requested to; write to Waitrose on behalf of the residents and request Waitrose repair the verge.
Oadby Swimming Pool Site Sign
The direction of the sign which points towards the old site is incorrect and requires changing.
Write to the County Council to request the direction of the sign be changed and if this is not possible to; have the sign removed.
Winter Icing of Launde Road
Launde Road needs to be placed on the winter road-gritting list. This is a public bus route.
A New Litterbin between Sainsbury and the A6
The placing of a new litterbin will be sited between Sainsbury and the A6.