Agenda item

Oadby & Wigston Priority 1 - Ageing Well


The Chair introduced this item of the agenda, emphasising that the Council can act as the facilitator but the group of visiting attendees are the movers and shakers.


During this section of the meeting, the 25 attendees split into 3 working groups. Each group answering the following questions, facilitated by a lead Officer:


1.   What does Ageing Well mean to you/ your organisation?

2.   What can you/ your organisation do to improve the outcomes and ensure people are ageing well?

3.   Would you be interested (as a group of likeminded people/ organisations) in working together to help address this agenda?

4.   If so, what would this joined up working look like? (networking, working on specific projects together, forming an alliance)?

5.   How will this new way of working be communicated?

6.   What are the challenges?

7.   What support do you need from the HWBB?


At the end of the 50 minute Workshop, feedback was provided by each of the three groups. The findings can be found in Appendix 1, 2 and 3.


The Chair, Councillor Helen Loydall, thanked attendees for their wealth of information and ideas on the Ageing Well agenda. It is important to note that this area of work covers all ages, not just the ageing population. There were a number of key themes identified from the feedback gained from each group including:


a.     A definite need to address the ageing well agenda

b.     Information needs to be collated by the Council (as the facilitator)

c.     This information needs to be disseminated by all partners


A summary of the information gathered from the working groups can be found below:



Oadby and Wigston Health & Wellbeing – Ageing Well Health topic – Summary

What does Ageing Well mean to you/your organisation?


·         It relates to a large age range so we need to target different ages with different approaches.

·         Access to information.

·         Making sure that a full life is being led, not merely existing.

·         Preventative measures.

·         Individualised and personalised services.

·         Little things can make a big difference.

·         Acknowledging that sometimes, people do not want help.

·         The effect upon carers.

·         Not being lonely.


What can you/your organisation do to improve the outcomes and ensure people are ageing well?


·         Working with GPs and First Contact Plus to upskill staff to signpost.

·         Provide an up to date directory of appropriate services.

·         Emphasis on the need to go where people are, not simply putting programmes on.

·         Handovers and walk-ins for people attending their first session.

·         Adapted transport for those who cannot access standard transport.

·         Social Prescribing outside of GPs remit.

·         Hold regular forum meetings to help disseminate information.

·         Use pre-existing programmes/events as a vehicle to promote services.


Would you be interested (as a group of likeminded people/organisations) in working together to help address this agenda?


·         Yes


If so, what would this joined up working look like? (Networking, working on specific projects together, forming an alliance)?


·         Yes, to an alliance (in the form of an action group).

·         Linking up of pre-existing services.

·         Putting on joint events.

·         Utilising each other’s services to promote key information.

·         Group working based on a chosen theme, which can be developed and have funding applied for.


How will this new way of working be communicated?


·         A communication strategy should be put together.

·         There should also be a central point for information.

·         Mapping of services (similar to google maps).

·         Marcomms services.


What are the challenges?


·           Lack of funding

·           It is a challenge to upskill everyone who could come into contact with vulnerable people.

·           Access to information.

·           Proving to the ageing populations that initiatives are not a scam.


What support do you need from the HWBB?


·         Potential for funding.

·         Administration support.

·         Signposting/directories/connections.

·         Potential for a networking event.

·         Help with event promotion.




AL confirmed that one key action is the promotion of local services to the residents of the borough. The Council’s residents’ newsletter ‘Letterbox’ is currently being collated. This free newsletter is delivered to circa 22,500 homes across Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston. AL intends to produce a list of services linked to the Ageing Well agenda for inclusion in Letterbox. All partners were therefore asked to contribute to the list of services by forwarding details of their organisation’s service.

Supporting documents: