Agenda item

Corporate Enforcement Update

Report of the Environmental Health & Licensing Team Leader


The Committee gave consideration to the report (at pages 7 - 14) as delivered and summarised by the Environmental Health & Licensing Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


Dog Fouling


A verbal update was provided at the meeting which informed the Committee that between January and March 2018, a total of 26 dog-related service requests had been received: only one request related to dog fouling and three requests related to aggressive dogs. All service requests were said to have been dealt with efficiently.


It was raised by the Committee and advised upon by Officers that in view of reports by Members of a number of persistent dog fouling offenders at particular hotspots in the Borough, the review and tendering of the stray dog service contract was to include an enforcement element whereby action could be targeted accordingly.


Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s)


The Committee noted its concern regarding the delay in bringing forward the enactment of the PSPO since its approval at Full Council on 22 February.


The Committee was advised that the final stages of the PSPO’s implementation required the erection of bespoke signage which could not have been ordered until the detail of the PSPO was approved. Members were assured that the signage would be erected and an enactment date confirmed as soon as reasonably practicable.


Pest Control Service


The Committee was advised that a full and up-to-date financial appraisal in respect of the service, including a year-on-year analysis identifying any service trends, was brought back to the Committee in July so that a view could then be taken as to its commercial viability in terms of any significant capacity to generate additional income or to breakeven in the future taking into account seasonal variations in demand.


It was reported that the current financials as set out in the report were a true reflection of the service’s income due to upfront payments being taken in accordance with the revised scales of fees and charges which were effective from 1 July 2017. It was also said that opportunities to promote and secure large commercial contracts were to taken by Environmental Health Officer (EHO’s) whilst out on fieldwork.


Fly-Tipping and Abandoned Vehicles 


The Committee requested that a further breakdown of information be provided to Members in terms of how many reports of incidents perceived to be fly-tipping and abandoned vehicles were in fact deemed by Officers to be such incidents.


Food Hygiene


It was raised by the Committee and advised upon by Officers that, having been awarded a food hygiene score of ‘0’, steps were being taken by the Satya Restaurant in Oadby to improve their rating. It was said that the restaurant’s next inspection was due in three months, unless requested earlier by the restaurant, and that its progress was being closely monitored by EHO’s during the interim period. If serious concerns remained, the option to service a notice to force closure was available.


New Legislation/Policy


The Committee was advised that the introduction of the new Energy Performance Certificates requirements was a regulatory function under the remit of Environmental Health which affected both private and social housing. Information concerning the latter was said to be reported to the next meeting of the Service Delivery Committee.


The Committee was advised that under the Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Prescribed Description) (England) Order 2018, the definition of a HMO was to be widened to include any property occupied by five or more people forming two or more separate households and that enforcement action would be taken against any person without the appropriate HMO license after 2 October. It was said that statutory protection from retaliatory eviction did exist should tenants lodge complaints regarding landlords’ non-compliance with licensing requirements.




The Licensing Enforcement Officer provided the Committee with a verbal update in relation to work undertaken by the Licensing Section between January and March 2018, a summary of which is filled together with these printed minutes at Annex A.


It was raised by the Committee and clarified by Officers that Members could continue to attend joint taxi-licensing enforcement activities as by-standers only. The Chair noted the educational value such opportunities afforded to new committee members.




It was raised by the Committee and advised upon by Officers that in view of a concern regarding the inconsistent regulation of the Borough’s highways and car parks, the outsourcing of an “all-round” enforcement package could be investigated.


By affirmation of the meeting, it was




The contents of the report be noted by Members.

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