Agenda item

Application No. 17/00539/OUT - Land South of St Pettrox Nursery, Welford Road, Wigston, Leicestershire


Councillor M H Charlesworth, Ward Councillor for the All Saints Ward, spoke upon the application. He raised various points for consideration including the reduction of the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph between Wigston and Kilby Bridge, a safe crossing point from the Harcourt Estate to the proposed access to the school, the noise issue of the adjacent landowner and that any section 106 monies contribution to sport provision is only used for Horsewell Lane and/or Willow Park, Wigston.


The Committee gave consideration to the report (at pages 4 - 27) as delivered and summarised by the Planning Control Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


A debate thereon was had by Members raising a number of potential concerns including the provision of school / school places.  The local schools have very little scope for expansion and with the new developments being under the 500 homes threshold no new provision is being provided.  Members were directed to the section of the report entitled section 106 obligations (at page 18) stating that the developer would be required to pay a set amount towards primary education.


Concerns were also voiced over the current 40mph speed limit and for it to be reduced to 30mph before a serious incident occurs. 


Members also raised concerns in relation to flooding in the area.  It was noted that on page 8 of the report that the Leicestershire County Lead Local Flood Authority have not raised any issues, however, on the plans shown to the Committee, the area highlighted with blue does flood and was flooded on the day of the meeting.


A further area of concern was the lack of affordable housing, especially for first time buyers, as another developer in our Borough were currently marketing two bedroom town houses for over £200k.


On page 7 of the report, under Archaeological Services, it stated that no archaeological investigations are required, however, previously on this land two gold coins and an intact Roman vase have been discovered.


A proposal for a crossing at this site has previously been requested but rejected by Leicestershire County Council.


On photographs displayed by the Planning Control Team leader as part of his report, the site land clearly shows many furrows which would need to be investigated prior to the start of any building works.  Also, concerns were raised in relation to wildlife in particular newts and bats and retention of hedgerows as highlighted (at page 7) of the report under heading Ecology.  Questions were raised as to how the Council enforce this and how homeowners would be aware.


The Head of Law & Governance reassured the Committee that the applicant has indicated that they would fund a Traffic Regulation Order in relation to the speed reduction and that there was no intention to build on the area on the plan edged with blue and as the Section 106 Agreement was still in discussion we can take forward the issue of affordable housing.  He also advised that the developers would have a legal responsibility under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and that tonight we are only seeking to grant outline planning permission and that full consent cannot be granted until the Section 106 has been fully agreed and sealed by the Council.  In relation to the hedgerows it was stated that if they were removed then the homeowner could be prosecuted and that they would be aware via searches undertaken by their conveyancing solicitor.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor D M Carter




The application be GRANTED outline planning permission in accordance with the submitted documents and plans and subject to the prescribed conditions.


Votes For               7

Votes Against        1

Abstentions          1