Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents and Suggestions for Future Items


Pinfold Project

The Pinfold Project obtained planning approval in late January 2018. The Group is currently working on the wording and images for the information panel. Previously residents had been requested to send the project any photos of how the Pinfold looked in the past. Two very dark looking photos from the 1930`s were received. They show the front wall of the Pinfold when it was in use. The Information Panel will contain wording about Wigston Pinfold and Pinfolds in general. They were once used to contain stray animals.


A local artist has created some sketches to give an interpretation of what a Pinfold would have looked like, when it was in use. These are near completion. This will replace the interpretation panel and it is similar to the World War one commemorative set backing. Installation will take place by late May to early June. It will be planted up to be part of judging for Wigston in Bloom.


Pride of the Borough

The number of membership card holders has risen since last year. There are 50 businesses offering discounts and benefits. The cards may be purchased at Customer Services on Bell Street, Brocks Hill Centre and Oadby Library. The floral display competition forms are available from Customer Services on Bell Street, the library in Oadby and the library in Wigston and from Brocks Hill Centre.


The Litter picking working group is to meet this Saturday on Chartwell Drive at 10am at the Chartwell Arms. A request was made to residents that if they are aware of anyone who has been picking litter from their own street for the past years could they let Pride of the Borough know. This is because it is looking to build on this to show the County judges the depth of local involvement. The working groups will look at doing weeding and pruning public spaces not done by Council Staff.


Britain in Bloom

Wigston has been a finalist with Britain in Bloom in the years 2002, 2006 and 2011. It was a silver guilt finalist in 2011. East Midlands in Bloom received a gold award every year since 2010.


Horse and Trumpet

The issue of a diversion order on a historical footpath was now in County Council hands. A Diversion Order would be entered in this New Year. The Chair stated the order had not yet been issued. The County Council has written to the brewery to state how they should define the foot path. The landlord will be speaking to the brewery again. Without a physical barrier the County Council will not issue the diversion order.


Holmden Avenue Trees

There are no Section 106 monies to fund the trees. The County Council will not allow trees to be planted on the verges. If the trees are wanted they must be put in situ in tubs. The County will not pay for the tubs.

Wigston Civic Society received a letter from residents making the observation that, if trees are planted this will stop people parking on the grass verges.


Grass Cutting on the Welford Road Observed

It was shared that cutting of the verges was taking place on Welford Road. The Chair commented this might be because the County Council was taking away the large white painted stones.


Switch – On of Street Lighting

It was observed that the street lighting in a part of Oadby was still left switched on after  midnight. It was questioned whether new lighting would be more economic. The Chair confirmed this. The County Council agreed for street lights to be turned off at important junctions from midnight until 5am. Oadby street lights were left on for a trial period only.


Sale of Council Housing

Sale of Council Housing puts pressure on Council housing stock. Council house bathrooms and kitchens taking into account their condition are replaced approximately every 25 to 30 years.


Seniors Citizens Concert on Saturday 17 March 2018

The date of the forthcoming Seniors Citizens Concert is Saturday 17 March 2018. Entry is free of charge. A choir and Wigston Band are to provide the entertainment. Early attendance may receive a free Easter egg.



The Borough has defibrillators located by The Co-op Funeral Parlour in Wigston. One on Oadby Parade, one outside the Methodist Church South Wigston and one on Little Hill Estate , Wigston.


Oadby and Wigston - Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)

The Council has adopted and approved Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO). PSPO’s deal with a particular nuisance in a defined public space where this is having a negative impact on the quality of life for those in that public space.The arrival of the signs is awaited. Dogs in such areas will be required to be placed on a lead. Dog fouling may mean enforcement of the orders could be issued by a patrol officer.


PSPO’s may be applied to other issues. There must be evidence of breach and the requirement for Police agreement. The Council lead officer is Mrs Paulette Samuels.


Action 3: - If residents have questions about the PSPO’s, send them to the Community Engagement Officer, who will forward them to the Council Lead Officer.


Bell Street Store Trolleys

A Council Officer served a Community Protection Order on the shop, which placed very large goods trolleys on the pavement. This behaviour has ceased. A Community Protection Notice will be served if the retailer breaches the Order. This could lead to a fine of £1000. The Council will continue to monitor this issue.


World War One Commemorative Seat

A photo of the seat design was shown on the laptop and a printed copy made available to residents. One seat each has been ordered for South Wigston, Wigston Magna Peace Park. Each is to be fitted, inclusive of a bin. Three are being purchased. They are guaranteed to last for 25 years.


There will be a shop front competition with a prize for the best shop front.

A remembrance parade is to take place. However it clashes with a big parade taking place in Leicester City in the afternoon which includes the Army. However, the Yeomanry will be taking part in the Wigston Parade. The service starts at 10.45am. The Army, Civilian Forest Cadets, Brownies and Scouts are to take part. The muster will be at Bell Street to All Saints Church.


Council Building Council Housing

Oadby & Wigston Council has formed a Housing Company. The company will manage provision of accommodation for the future.


The right to buy property with altered discount means the Council can only use 30 percent of its money to invest in new property. It is necessary to sell three or four properties to buy one. The Housing Company is buying the first property this year.


With a Housing Company there is no Right to Buy. The Council is unable make money like a private company. The Government frowns on Councils buying houses to make a profit.


The building of housing will provide for vulnerable people. There is a homeless budget to cover 18 families in temporary accommodation.


The Council has accommodation in the City. People cannot be kept in Bed and Breakfast accommodation for more than 6 weeks. The Council has a property next door which will be used as temporary accommodation.


Residents were informed there were 3 rough sleepers in the area. One in Oadby, one in Wigston and one in South Wigston. They are regularly visited by the Housing Team.


The Chair clarified that with Universal Credit coming in, things are likely to get worse. This is due to the fact that the credit may be paid to a renter who mismanages it and becomes at risk of homelessness. The Council then has no duty to house an evicted homeless person. New Housing legislation means Councils are only liable to house people for 20 to 50 days.


On the matter of Council Tax, the Chair stated that over the next few years other Councils may go the way of Northamptonshire (over spending). Oadby & Wigston Council however, were in a robust position for the next three to four years. This Council has a balanced budget for next year.

Central Government grants are to be withdrawn from all Local Authorities by 2020. It was questioned whether the Council had a scheme for charity shops to pay lower business charges. The Chair explained that it was Central Government which set the business charge.


Peace Memorial Park

The Chair informed residents that the park sculpture was damaged. To repair it a request was made to have the park closed for one day.


Dustbin Collection

In light of the extreme weather, it was requested whether residents could be asked not to put out their bins, if it snows. The Chair explained that the Council was looking at an email so it could send a message regarding not putting out garden waste.