Further information can be found on the Council’s website regarding the Draft Articles and Terms of Reference for the Residents’ Forums (Report to Full Council on 22 February 2018) by clicking on the link.
The Council`s recently recruited Head of Law& Governance/Monitoring Officer provided the briefing on this item. He explained the background to the drafting of the attached documents, which came out of the Council`s grant making review, noting the need to make grant funding more robust and accountable and the structural revision of the Council’s resident forums terms of reference.
· Two papers, Appendix 1 titled Part 1 and appendix 2; Draft Terms of Reference were attached to the circulated agenda papers. The papers are on the Council website. They will be discussed at the three forums.
· The Forums are not constituted bodies and should not have a scheme of delegation. They have no power to make delegated decisions. Grants are endorsed by Policy Finance and Development (PFD) Committee.
· The Council has endorsed the revised draft terms of reference. Draft term 3.1 was amended by the Council last week.
· The Head of Law& Governance/Monitoring Officer added there was nothing to stop the three forums from having a joint meeting on a borough – wide issue. The Community and Engagement Officer would be requested to facilitate this.
· It was clarified that: Elected Members have a right to attend any meeting.
· The Chair is elected annually by the Council. It was further confirmed that the Chair would be a Councillor from the respective areas of Oadby.
· It was emphasised that; Members come to the Forums to: listen and take back people’s views, before decisions are made.
· Oadby Forum was encouraged to allow businesses to be members, particularly as they have resources which could help an area.
· Residents were encouraged to send any comments or suggestion for amendments to the Community Engagement Officer, who would pass them on to the Head of Law& Governance/Monitoring Officer.
The Head of Law& Governance/Monitoring Officer agreed to raise the point made about membership so it could include “being your forum or your area”. The Forums are seen by the Council as channels for distributing information, consultation and engagement.
Out of the Forum discussion on the draft terms of reference: in relation to who could vote on matters, it was agreed that this should be amended to state, “membership of the Oadby Forum should primarily be residents of Oadby”. This would prevent possible external interference in Oadby Forum matters and voting by external people which might influence the outcome on majority decisions, which impact on Oadby.
The Head of Law& Governance/Monitoring Officer will add a line into the draft terms of reference to state;” Elected Members will not have the power of a vote”.
· The Head of Law & Governance/Monitoring Officer added there was nothing to stop the three forums from having a joint meeting on a borough – wide issue. The Community and Engagement Officer would be requested to facilitate this.
· It was clarified that: Elected Members have a right to attend any meeting.
· The Chair is elected annually by the Council. It was further confirmed that the Chair would be a Councillor from the respective areas of Oadby.
· It was emphasised that; Members come to the Forums to: listen and take back people’s views, before decisions are made.
· Oadby Forum was encouraged to allow businesses to be members, particularly as they have resources which could help an area.
· Residents were encouraged to send any comments or suggestion for amendments to the Community Engagement Officer, who would pass them on to the Head of Law & Governance/Monitoring Officer.
Supporting documents: