Agenda item

Application No. 17/00468/FUL - Parklands Leisure Centre, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JJ


The Committee gave consideration to the application (at pages 7 - 20) and the agenda update (at pages 1 - 3) as delivered and summarised by the Planning Control Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


Since the publication of the agenda update, it was reported that a further representation had been received from a neighbouring resident citing the potential for noise nuisance if the existing main entrance/exit to the Parklands Leisure Centre (“Parklands”) building, to which the development related, was not retained.


Members agreed that, as part of the proposed lighting scheme, effective screening and adequate lighting provision was necessary to preserve visual amenity, minimise lighting impacts and ensure users could safely navigate the car park at dusk: there was, however, a difference of opinion amongst Members regarding the lighting scheme’s proposed hours of operation. It was also agreed that the proposed parking spaces should be suitably demarcated and be of an appropriate size, quantity and configuration to allow full use and access for all vehicle-types and users, including family and disabled-access vehicles.


In reaching a decision, the Committee was advised that the proposed car park was to be used as an overflow facility and, therefore, if Members were minded to amend or add further conditions, they ought to be mindful of this fact.


It was said that the operational hours of the lighting scheme should set clear obligations to avoid possible breaches of planning and other regulatory controls and, to that extent, be capable of being reasonably enforceable. It was further said that the use of subtle methods and materials to demarcate the proposed parking spaces would also be required in order to further protect the visual amenity of the designated Green Wedge.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor J Kaufman and




Condition 2 as detailed in the main agenda report be amended to include the additional and amended documents as submitted by the applicant.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor J Kaufman and




The application be amended to include an additional condition relating to screening around the lights with details to be submitted prior to commencement and implemented in accordance with the approved details.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor J Kaufman and




The application be amended to include an additional condition requiring details of how the parking spaces will be demarcated to be submitted for approval then implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Votes For               8

Votes Against        0

Abstentions           1


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor J Kaufman and




The application be amended to include an additional condition requiring the approved lighting to be used between the hours of dusk and 30 minutes after the building to which the development relates closes.


Votes For               6

Votes Against        2

Abstentions           1


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor J Kaufman and




The application be GRANTED planning permission in accordance with the submitted documents and plans and subject to the prescribed conditions as amended and added to as set out in the foregoing minutes.