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Contact: Democratic Services Tel: (0116) 257 2775 Email:
Note: Q3 (2023/24)
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members to determine the quorum of the meeting in accordance with Rule 7 of Part 4 of the Constitution. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillors P Joshi and I K Ridley. |
Appointment of Substitutes To appoint substitute Members in accordance with Rule 26 of Part 4 of the Constitution and the Substitution Procedure Rules. Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct. In particular, Members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non-pecuniary'. Minutes: None.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To read, confirm and approve the minutes of the previous meeting in accordance with Rule 19 of Part 4 of the Constitution. Minutes: By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 24 January 2024 be taken as read, confirmed and approved. |
Action List Arising from the Previous Meeting To read, confirm and note the Action List arising from the previous meeting. Minutes: There was no Action List arising from the previous meeting. |
Petitions and Deputations To receive any Petitions and, or, Deputations in accordance with Rule(s) 11 and 12 of Part 4 of the Constitution and the Petitions Procedure Rules respectively. Minutes: None.
Internal Audit Progress Update (April 2024) Report of the Strategic Director & S151 Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out at pages 3 – 18 of the agenda update pack) which provided an update on the progress made on delivering the 2023/24 Audit Plan.
By general affirmation of the meeting, it was
The progress made in delivering the 2023/24 Audit Plan be noted. |
Strategic Risk Update (2023/24) Report of the Strategic Director & S151 Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out at pages 6 – 12 of the agenda reports pack) which presented the Strategic Risk Register (2023/24).
By general affirmation of the meeting, it was
The content of the report and appendix be considered and noted. |
Progress Against External Audit Follow-On Recommendations Report of the Strategic Director & S151 Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out at pages 13 – 18 of the agenda reports pack) which presented an update of the Follow-On External Audit Recommendations to the Committee.
By general affirmation of the meeting, it was
The content of the report and appendix be noted. |
Statement of Accounts (2022/23) Report of the Strategic Director & S151 Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (as set out at pages 19 – 265 of the agenda update pack), which gave an update on the outcome of the audit of the Statement of Accounts 2022/23 for approval.
It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor G A Boulter and
i) The Statement of Accounts (at Appendix 1) including the Annual Governance Statement (at Appendix 2 which was approved July 2023) for the year ended 31 March 2023, subject to any required final changes that may be agreed with the Council’s external auditors be approved; ii) The Audit Findings Report (2022/23) (at Appendix 3) be noted and the outlined recommendations be approved; iii) In order to comply with the Council’s statutory obligations, the Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2023 can be published and the Section 151 Officer be authorised, following consultation with the Chair of the Audit Committee, to make any required final changes to the accounts that may be agreed with the Council’s external auditors; and iv) The Letter of Representation (at Appendix 4) be approved. |