Agenda and minutes

South Wigston Residents' Forum - Tuesday, 22nd October, 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Community Centre, Elliott Hall, Albion Street, South Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 4SA

Contact: Veronika Quintyne - Email: 

No. Item


Local Policing Issues


The Police Community Support Officers provided the following update.

Warning signs have been put up in parks across the borough to act as a first warning to those wishing to use them for riding electronic scooters or mini motors illegally, or in an anti-social manner. This way, Police will be able to seize vehicles immediately under section 59 of the Police Reform Act rather than having to give a written warning to the offender beforehand.

Residents were requested to keep wheelie bins at the rear of their property, when possible, to reduce the likelihood of bin fires over the Halloween and bonfire period.

Van owners were requested to remove valuables from their vehicles, when possible, tag property which might be left in vans, and if possible purchase a CCTV camera to deter thefts from vans.

Residents were encouraged to sign up to the new Neighborhood Link Scheme. Messages and alerts regarding criminal activity can be received via phone, text message and email.

To register to Neighborhood Link open the following link:

Residents reported an individual climbing on low level roofs and entering gardens in the Waverley Road area.

Residents expressed concern over the level of traffic congestion caused by roadworks in the Blaby Road area. Traffic around Gloucester Crescent and Dorset Avenue was reported to be extremely problematic.

Residents were requested to report their concern to the County Council’s Highway Department. The Highways Department can be contacted by clicking on the following link:

The Police will address the problem of people using electric scooters on the highway. This constitutes illegal road usage. Residents were requested to report any illegal use of scooters to the Police. PCSO 6640 Preston mentioned the Police will be putting in speed boxes on lamp posts in places where speeding occurs.

Residents reported their concerns about the potential for serious accidents to occur on Countesthorpe Road, Glenburn End and Gloucester Crescent. The Police explained that they sent statistics to the County Council who determined whether to publish them and carry out any highway changes needed.

The Chair informed residents he had met with Inspector Cawley to discuss crime reporting in the Borough. South Wigston has a very low crime rate. It is significantly lower than the crime rate reported for Knighton.

The Policing Update was concluded and the Officers were thanked by the Chair.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 189 KB


The minutes of the meeting were agreed as a true record subject to the following amendments:

   Page 1 remove the line which reads “Arriva Transport is to sponsor the [Christmas Capers] event in 2019”. Replace it with the line, “Arriva Transport is to sponsor the Steam Engine”.

   On Page 3 under the heading Spending Requests, delete the first line of the second paragraph and replace it with the following line. “A request was made for one bench, not made solely of wood, to be placed near to Taylor's Bridge Road on the open space by the grassed area”.


Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 126 KB


The Casepak Recycling Centre item is on tonight's agenda.

The Community Support Officers encouraged residents to sign up to the Neighborhood Link Scheme.

Residents have been informed that they can contact Network Rail directly with regards to reporting rubbish and graffiti issues on phone number : 0345711414 or on the following web site

Permission for closure of Blaby Road to facilitate Remembrance Sunday celebrations has been received.

An AGE UK Wigston poster was circulated at tonight's meeting. The poster informed residents of a forthcoming Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Event taking place: Friday 8th November 2019 from, 09:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The address is: AGE UK, 51 Paddock Street , Wigston , LE18 2AN.

For further information email: or , telephone: (0116) 288 5203.


South Wigston Traders' Update


The Chair of South Wigston Traders provided the following update:

The opening of Christmas Capers takes place on Saturday 7th December 2019.

Permission has been received from the County Council to close all the three roads around the junction of St Thomas Road, South Wigston.

The Traders Group is awaiting the input of local Council funding towards the cost of the Christmas Capers event.


Pride of the Borough


The Chair provided a brief update on behalf of Pride of the Borough.

The cost of the Loyalty Card will remain at £5.00 in 2020. Funding raised from the loyalty card is used to promote local projects in the Borough. A 25% discount can be accessed from the Two Steeples Restaurant, in Wigston.


Wigston Fire Services


The representative of the Fire Service gave an apology for being unable to attend the meeting. This was due to a shortage of staff.


Environment Working Group pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair provided an update supported by a paper, listing key aspects of the work of this newly formed working group. This group has 18 priorities for action. The Chair encouraged residents to try and decrease their consumption of the use of plastic and to look to encourage the conservation of wildlife such as butterflies. This might be through the use of growing flowers in window boxes.

The Chair highlighted how the Local Authority is working to reduce its carbon footprint. This will be by working to reduce traffic pollution by the fitting of Air Quality Stations, using less paper, using energy saving vehicles and working in partnership with organisations.


Chair's Updates


Capital Projects Update


All spending requests brought to the Residents Forum meeting on 9 July 2019 were agreed at tonight's meeting, by those Residents present.


Forum Budget Update


The South Wigston Residents Forum budget spend currently stands at £17,328.


Spending Requests


There was a request for a planter tub. This is to be placed in Garden Street, South Wigston. The cost is: £240.

There was a request for two litter bins to be placed near the school entrance to Fairfield Community Primary School.


Items Raised by Residents


Emptying of litter bins

To explain why it takes a long time for litter bins to be emptied, the Chair stated that there is one driver employed to cover the Borough, emptying the litter bins. The Chair stated that the Local Authority has appointed a new Section 151 Officer.

The Chair met him and discussed Residents Forum spending. The Local Authority no longer provides dog waste bins. The old ones are being phased out and replaced. Dog waste can be wrapped up and placed in general litter bins. A resident reported that a bin by Gloucester Crescent has been removed. This will be brought to the Street Furniture Officer’s attention for replacement.

Litter bins can be placed on pavements as long as they do not interfere with pavement traffic. The County Council charges a fee for the installation of litter bins on the pavement.



Suggestions for Future Agenda Items


There were no suggestions received for future agenda items.


Date of the Next Meeting

Wednesday 29 January 2020 at Fairfield Community School, Cheshire Drive, South Wigston, LE18 4WA


 Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 19:00 PM.

The venue is Fairfield Community Primary School Hall, Cheshire Drive, South Wigston, LE18 4WA.

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