Agenda and draft minutes

Wigston Residents' Forum - Thursday, 6th February, 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Veronika Quintyne - Email: 

No. Item


Local Policing Issues


The Police reported the following: The installation of CCTVs on key roads in the Borough continues. Work continues with the local Council to evict problematic families.


Two people have been charged with the murder committed on Gibson Close. Officers continue to offer reassurance to the residents of William Peardon Court.

The incident at Barford Road is under investigation. There was no evidence of acid used.


The individuals who defaced the community centre on Thythorn Road have not been caught.


Residents were reminded that the Neighbourhood Link app is still available. It is free to access. To sign up to it, place the following address in the computer browser.



At the next Residents’ Forum meeting, the Police will provide an update on the Kelmarsh Avenue robbery.


Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 204 KB


Page 5: The damage to Aylestone Lane has been reported.


Page 6: The property on Newton Lane has been sold. Repair work is due to start.


Page 6: The Borough’s customer service centre on Bell Street is still temporarily closed on a Saturday. A resident praised the quality of service provided by the staff.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 219 KB


Minutes of the previous meeting held on the 29th October 2019 were accepted as a true record subject to the following amendment. On page 2 at point 11a change Carlton Road to, “Carlton Drive and Aylestone Lane”. Apologies for absence were received from the following people: Councillors: Mrs L. Broadley, R. Broadley, Mrs S. Morris and G. Lamb (Pride of the Borough representative).


The Lions Group


The Lions Group thanked the local Council for the support it gave with the Wigston Light Switch-On in 2019.The Lions Group is to host a concert at De Montfort University Hall on the 13th or 14th of June 2020.The final date will be circulated.


The Matt Hampson Foundation has been nominated as the Lions Group’s  good cause for charity fundraising in 2020.The next Wigston Light Switch-On event takes place on, Saturday 28th November 2020.


Citizens' Panel Update


The Community Engagement Officer provided residents with an update presentation on the Citizens’ Panel. Residents were encouraged to sign up to the Citizens’ Panel. Residents were also provided with a poster containing information on how to sign up by accessing the following link.



Pride of the Borough


The Pride of the Borough loyalty card remains at a cost of £5.00. Money raised from the sale of the card funds community projects and provides discounts on local goods and services.


Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service


Officer W. Galle presented the following update on the work of the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service. Services are in development with a range of partners. The work targets vulnerable people and those at risk. accrued data helps the service to target its resources appropriately.


The service is focussed on the areas of Wigston and New Parks. Priorities were changed in part due to six fire deaths in Wigston over a five-year period.


Blood donor sessions and anti-hoarding training take place at the Wigston Fire Station.


Issues are dealt with through First Contact. One aspect of this is a Health and Wellbeing Fayre will be held in spring 2020. This is at the planning stage. It is to be hosted in South Wigston.


Residents were requested to report potential Fire safety issues to the service. Data Protection integrity will be observed.


Community Action Partnership


K Cooke stood in for S. Bresnihan at tonight’s meeting. She represented the Community Action Partnership (CAP) at this meeting. A brief update on CAP’s work was provided. Leaflets and business cards were made available to the residents. Residents were encouraged to volunteer to help the Partnership’s Car Care Scheme.


The Partnership is looking to recruit more volunteer drivers. The service is cost effective, costs less than a taxi and is good value for money. Drivers are trained and covered by insurance procured by CAP. Volunteer drivers are not required on a weekend.


To become a volunteer contact CAP by ringing Suzanna Bresnihan on phone number: 0116 272 7669.


Chair's Updates


Capital Projects Update


All previous successful requests have been signed off by the PFD (Policy Finance and Development) Committee. The work on Willow Park to place the adult gym equipment and the Skate Park have begun.


Old litterbins in the Borough are being replaced. The big bins on Boulter Crescent are being reviewed.


The tyre tracks made on the verges have been noted and are being addressed.


The work being carried out by the County Council on the junction of Bull Head Street is part of Highways development. The local Council has no control over this.


Forum Budget Update


The Resident Forum budget currently stands at: £48,451.



Spending Requests


Girl Guide meeting space kitchen window

The Girl Guides have requested funding for the replacement of a rotting kitchen window. Quotes for it have been supplied. £430 was requested but the Group is happy to receive £245.There was a proposer and seconder for this proposal. A vote was taken by those persons present. 12 people voted in favour of the proposal. There were no abstentions or objections to the proposal.


Wigston Lions Group Intergenerational Garden Space Project

The Wigston Lions Group requested £1000. This is to be used to purchase:  trees, shrubs and planters. These are to form part of an intergenerational project. The project is to be placed on Crown land outside of Wigston Fire Station.

Police Cadets, current and ex Fire and Police Officers will maintain the area. The proposal was seconded. On a vote taken, 15 people voted in Favour of the funds being awarded. There were no objections or abstentions to awarding the funding.


VJ Day and VE Day Celebrations


Events are at a planning stage.VE day celebrations will take place on 8th of May. VJ day celebrations will be hosted over a three-day period. This period covers August 14th, 15th and 16th in 2020. A Parade may be held on the 16th August 2020. Residents will be informed once the events have been finalised.


Items Raised by Residents


Accidents on Bullhead Street and the need for CCTV cameras

Following a query by a resident about the recording of accidents on Bull Head Street, Councillor M Charlesworth is to request access to data which shows the prevalence of accidents in this area.


A Resident shared her thoughts on what she deemed to be the local Council’s accountability for policy changes which impact on residents and the concept of meaningful engagement.


A resident expressed the view that authorities are not taking account of the need for residents to be informed when policy changes are made in the locality which they feel affect them directly.



Councillor M Charlesworth is to discuss issues with the resident outside of this meeting.


Closure of The Records Office on Long Street

A question was raised as to whether the local Council has a strategy as to what is to be done once the Records Office permanently closes. The building closes in three years’ time. It was suggested that Council Officers could help residents to make it a listed building.


Bins left on pavements

The domestic bins are still being placed inconsiderately back on to the pavements.


The cost of the Garden Waste Collection

From April 1st 2020 the cost of removing garden waste is to increase. Letters will be sent to residents to inform them of this change.


Pennywise Store on Bell Street and items placed on the pavement for sale

Pennywise store management continues to place their stock on the pavement for sale. The local Council is investigating this matter.


Dumped items in the alleyway by Boot’s store

There is fly tipping in the alleyway by the Boots store.



The local Council is to contact the landowners about this matter.


Contribution to the Wigston area Flower Baskets

It was suggested that £1,000 be allocated from the current Forum budget to purchase hanging baskets for Wigston. This is still under consideration. A similar suggestion was made for South Wigston.



This is to be brought back for discussion at the next resident’s forum meeting.


Suggestions for Future Agenda Items


There were no suggestions for future agenda items.


Date of the Next Meeting

Tuesday 28 April 2020 @7PM. The venue is: Age UK Oadby & Wigston, 51 Paddock Street, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2AN.


The date of the next Wigston Residents’ Forum meeting is: Tuesday 28th April 2020. The venue is, AGE UK, Paddock Street, Wigston, LE18 2AN at 7.00 PM.

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