Agenda and minutes

Wigston Residents' Forum - Monday, 11th September, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Veronika Quintyne  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Local Policing Issues


The Police crime statistics were shared with residents which included nine burglaries, 18 other burglaries such as sheds, 43 thefts from motor vehicles, 40 criminal damage (including shops windows) and domestic violence incidents, 71 thefts from stores and one robbery.


The Police stated that the figures that were shared for this quarter were estimates.


Key policing issues noted related to anti-social behaviour. Patch walks were made and discussions have been held with Boots Chemist relating to trespassing.


It was unknown whether the Sainsbury store had agreed to close the shutter.


The Police phone number 101, flags up calls and influences patrolling in the Borough. The Police have spoken with residents on the Little Hill Estate about the suspected growing of cannabis.


There have been thefts of power tools from unsecured vans. In discussion with residents, the Police stated there were no hot spots for thefts in the area. Thefts from motor vehicles appeared to be opportunistic.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 12 July 2017 pdf icon PDF 85 KB


The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record noting the following three amendments.


(i)     Five yellow Tell Us What You Think consultation cards were returned by Wigston Forum residents.


(ii)    The Lions representative stated funding for a Gazebo was no longer required as one has been acquired for use from the Friends of Peace Memorial Park.


(iii)   A question was raised about paragraph 6 of the minutes. This relates to a statement made by the Chair concerning petitions to Highways. The Chair stated it requires ten thousand signatures on a petition for it to be placed on the County Council Committee agenda and 500 for the Highway and Transport Committee under this the Director will decide what action to take.


Review of the Residents' Forums Consultation pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


Five responses were received to the card consultation circulated at July`s meeting. A written summary of the comments received was made available at the meeting.


The Council meeting of 5 September 2017 resulted in the paper attached as agenda item 4, entitled ‘Review of the Residents Forums Consultation’. This was discussed at the meeting and listed eleven wide ranging recommendations. This included the statement that members’ would not support the merger of Wigston and South Wigston Forums. Ten other points ranging from more concise minutes and the simplification of the proposed draft application for funding form were made. Following discussion residents are to note it was agreed that:


·         Funding applications could be for sums as small as £200 or £500 as a lower range without complicated form filling

·         Questions on funding proposals are to be placed with the Community Engagement Officer before the Forum meeting in order that they can be added to the agenda

·         Draft minutes be made ready within 10 working days and placed online within 15 working days

·         More discussions on Council Tax to take place at the Forum

·         Have fewer presentations


The Chair added that the Forum budgets were based on population size and Section 106 which for the future would come through money from the new homes bonus for top ups.




A process for requesting urgent grants is to be written into the draft funding criteria.




Place as a standing agenda item for discussion, Planning and their planning implications.




Advertise the Forums in:


(i)       Letterbox magazine

(ii)     libraries

(iii)   local places of meeting

(iv)    with businesses



Pride of the Borough


East Midlands in Bloom results are due out in September 2017.


At the end of October 2017, the Britain in Bloom results will be published. The judges do not give feedback.


The marble planters are now in position in Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston.


Chair's Updates


On the proposal to alter Brocks Hill building, the Council has agreed nothing is to be done to alter the park. In 2016 £100k was spent on the building. Last year a paper was received by the Council looking at various options for the Centre. Working with Parklands as an option was agreed.


SLM have agreed to take over the building on the site and add a climbing wall. There is to be guaranteed use for groups using it as part of the contract. SLM will take over the maintenance of the building. The Council has agreed to run with this option. A planning application for car parking will need to be submitted. A footpath from Oadby Road to Parklands will also be constructed and from Tendring Drive.


Bins and potholes at Parklands will also be addressed in the improvements. Discussions are in place regarding access to buses.


School parties will still be looked after by Brocks Hill staff. Existing staff will be TUPE’d over to SLM.




Provide still photos at the next Forum meeting relating to this development.



Council Budget Options 2018/19 and 2019/20


The Council is addressing a range of budget saving options. Residents will be consulted.


Capital Projects Update


·         Sainsbury store has agreed a defibrillator can be secured to its wall. £1000 has been allocated to this.

·         Two bins are shortly to be installed on Meadow Way and Stanhope Road.

·         The seat has been placed within the bus shelter near the health centre.

·         The Community First Responders award is in progress.

·         The award to Little Hill Residents for a grass blower has been progressed.

·         The grant to the Girl Guides towards a shed has been progressed.

·         The new cooker for Peace Park Memorial Gardens is shortly to be installed.


Forum Budget Update


The Forum currently has funds remaining of £52,803.


Spending Requests



(i)       Wigston Pinfold Street Furniture Proposal

A written proposal was brought to the Forum. It is to mark the site of Wigston Pinfold with street furniture. The proposed site is on the corner of Newgate End and Moat Street. There is currently and Oadby and Wigston Council seat in situ.


The proposal is to mark the site with an interpretation panel. It is to be accompanied by a cattle trough which Pride of the Borough will plant and maintain. A photo print out showing what the seat design will be based on was circulated to residents. It will be vandal proofed and decorated with imagery of sheep and cattle.


Wigston Civic Society and historical societies were involved in shaping this proposal. The item will require planning permission as it is on the curtilage of All Saints Church. The church is a grade one listed building.


The projected cost of the project proposal is £2,500. Pride of the Borough put £1,500 towards the cost. Wigston Civic Society added a further £100. Wigston Floral Society donated £100 towards planting and care of the trough. Pride of the Borough members will make good the brickwork. There is likely to be a planning application fee.


It was stated the seat cost may rise before the order is placed. £900 is the award sum the group requested from the Council.


A representative spoke on behalf of the Historical and Civic Society`s support of the proposal, outlined the ethos to be noted by the trough of ‘live, shop and work’ and noted the direct benefit of the street furniture to Wigston Town as an improvement.


The proposal was seconded and by a show of hands, supported by 16 residents. No opposition was made to the proposal.


It was agreed the money will be allocated in stages. It was noted that the first allocation of £385 may include VAT. The Council is not allowed to claim the costs of planning and VAT.


(ii)     Little Hill Residents Association and the purchase of Laurel Bushes


A written proposal by Little Hill Residents Association, for the purchase of Laurel Bushes at £420 was brought to the Forum.


The proposal is to plant the bushes which are some three feet high in front of walls. The walls are currently subject to damage and graffiti. Police and Councillors have provided support for this proposal. The landlord responsible for the walls has agreed to repair them by the beginning of October 2017.


The Association requested the award be allocated before winter comes, in order to establish planting growth.




It was agreed this proposal forms an update report for the next Forum meeting.


(iii)   A Proposal by the Lions Group for funds to customise Gazeboes.

The Lions applied for an award of just under £200 for the customisation of the Gazeboes donated by Friends of Peace Memorial Park.


The customisation is to help attract new members and to support the Wigston Christmas Lights switch on. This takes place on 25 November 2017. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17d


Items Raised by Residents and Suggestions for Future Items


Building Work on the Premier Drum Site


Work has started at the Premier Drum site to build a Lidl and a Wickes. The road layout is to be adjusted. The traffic light sequence will be altered to keep traffic flowing.


A Planning Application to Build on the Elms Car Park


A planning application has been received to build on the Elms Car Park.


The Crown Public House application


The Crown Public House application to build two houses was withdrawn.


Messy Fences on Little Hill Estate


It was reported that there are some fences on Little Hill which are a mess.


Two Bungalows have been Demolished on Durnford Road


On Durnford Road two bungalows have been demolished. The one which is half built is ongoing. It is beyond the Council`s jurisdiction to force builders to complete a build project.


37 Newton Lane bungalows foundations are partly undermined.


The Horse and Trumpet Public House were given permission to build but not over a public right of way which is an ancient right of way. Permission has not been given for it to close the footpath or build a brick decking. This matter is currently being addressed by the Council`s Planners.




The Chair is to raise this matter with the Highways Department at the County Council.


Council`s Litter Picker Operative who Tidies Along the Leicester Road


A request was made for the Council`s Litter Picker Operative who tidies along the Leicester Road to be requested to extend his route from Bull Head Street  up to the jitty which goes to Denmead. Bottles and cans regularly are thrown onto the verges and into the undergrowth.


Additional Lighting was Requested on the Jitty from Spa Lane to Acorn Way


Additional lighting was requested on the Jitty as the alley way is the Council`s responsibility. A single lamp column costs at least £1000.



Date of the Next Meeting


Wednesday, 29 November 2017, 7:00 pm at Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston.

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