Venue: Walter Charles Centre, Wigston Road, Oadby, Leicester LE2 5QQ - Walter Charles Centre. View directions
Contact: Ross Levy (Community & Wellbeing Officer) Tel: (0116) 257 2712 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors D M Carter, M L Darr and D A Gamble. |
Matters Arising Minutes: Cllr N Alam paid tribute to the former Chair of the Forum, Cllr D Carter.
In response to the minutes from the previous meeting, residents enquired about methods of promoting this Forum. Ways of promoting this meeting included visiting local businesses, holding community pop ups to talk with local people, email newsletters and contacting key stakeholders. The number of attendees was up from the last meeting, held virtually.
In response to the energy crisis having been referenced in a previous meeting, it was noted that Helping Hands now have an Energy Champion who is in post to support residents of the Borough with the ongoing energy crisis faced by households.
Councillors' Update Minutes: Cllr N Alam introduced the Forum to plans for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee on Sunday 5th June, at Ellis Park. There was widespread agreement amongst participants that a great community effort would be necessary to ensure this event aptly marked Her Majesty’s achievement. It was noted that the time available between now and the event was limited, but gratitude was extended to groups such as Leicestershire County Council’s Local Area Co-Ordinator service, Oadby Baptist Church, Helping Hands, and local residents who all offered their time at the meeting to bring plans of the event forward.
It was unanimously agreed amongst attendees that £350.00 of the money from the Oadby Residents’ Forum budget would be allocated to contribute to the event. Cllr S Z Haq and R Levy committed to unlocking this funding to be able to spend in time of the event.
Action: All community groups to work together to ensure that the Big Lunch event is as successful as can be. Cllr S Z Haq and R Levy to ensure relevant funding is in place to support event.
Items Raised by Residents Minutes: A proposal was made to the Forum to seek funding for a commemorative tree for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Several potential locations were discussed including: Burton Corner, Ellis Park, Sandhurst St, the Racecourse Roundabout. To establish where the tree may go, several comments were raised for consideration- including the feasibility of digging underground to be able to plant the tree (whether any services would be disturbed by doing so), when best to plant the tree, issues regarding cost and maintenance.
Action: Feasibility study to be conducted on where best a tree could be planted to mark the Jubilee.
On the subject of tree planting and maintenance, issues were raised about the quality of trees coming into Oadby from the south along the A6.
As per an agenda item raised by a resident not present at the meeting, bins were discussed and how they were overflowing in locations such as the Brocks Hill ward and by Beauchamp College. Cllr Dr I K Ridley reminded residents that ward Councillors could be contacted to report litter/overflowing bins. Residents noted various apps which exist to be able to report such issues- yet it was unknown whether Oadby and Wigston Borough Council subscribe to such apps. Residents were encouraged where safe to do so to pick up litter using litter picking equipment and relevant PPE, and gratitude was expressed to groups such as the Litter Wombles who help in keeping the Borough tidier.
Action: Councillors and Officers to remind residents through relevant communications of how excess litter can be reported.
Police Update Minutes: The following written update was offered by the Police:
At the end of last year we suffered an increase in burglaries across the beat which is in line with yearly trends. We set up a dedicated burglary Op to target this issue. During the Op several arrests were made and a number of suspects were dealt with. Coming forward to now we are back to lower than normal burglaries across the Oadby beat with, for example, only having had 3 in the last month.
Reported ASB is also down but we expect that to rise now the warmer weather is here and longer daylight hours so patrols will be concentrated in previous areas of ASB and we will be linking in with partner agencies in order to work together and try and minimise the reports and target repeat offenders, although there is very little ASB being reported at the moment.
Otherwise there is very little to report at the moment with Oadby being fairly quiet at the moment.
In response to this, residents referred back to ongoing anti-social behaviour at Coombe Park, which has been documented in previous meetings, and is something that both the Police and Oadby and Wigston Borough Council are aware of.
Charles Way in Oadby was identified by residents as a current location of concerns for issues including drug abuse and burglaries. It was mentioned of how recent incidents were particularly traumatic for residents living on this street. Other residents from the Forum offered their support to form a “neighbourhood watch” scheme of crime prevention on this street, and contact numbers were exchanged between residents to facilitate this.
The closure of public toilets in Oadby and commencement of car parking charges was raised by residents. It was explained that this was for financial reasons, with Oadby and Wigston Borough Council needing to generate more income in light of less money being distributed to the Council from central government. Residents were reminded that 30 free minutes are available in selected car parks.
Speeding was discussed as a recurring issue across several parts of Oadby, for instance towards Great Glen, and along the A6 in general. Concerns regarding parking on pavements
Action: Police to be informed of residents’ policing concerns and Police can feed back at future meetings.
To conclude the meeting, residents were invited to purchase Membership Cards for Pride of the Borough. More information can be found: Pride of the Borough are a volunteer-led group who improve the environment of the Borough. Membership cards help sustain the work of the group, and members get discounts at local businesses. Cards cost just £5.00 per year.
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Tuesday 16th August 2022, 18.30 - Walter Charles Centre. |