Venue: The Barnabas Centre, St Pauls Close, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 4LZ
Contact: Veronika Quintyne - Email:
No. | Item |
Local Policing Issues Minutes: The Chair introduced himself and welcomed everyone to the meeting. He introduced Beat Officer Sue Burns. She provided tonight’s Police Update. Andy Collins is the new Beat Officer for Oadby. There has been no spike in burglaries. Seven burglaries were reported for this quarter. Two of these were at University premises. Officers are currently working 3PM to 3AM shifts over a monthly period. Residents were advised that they can direct any concerns relating to crime to the Police website at: A resident was approached on Chestnut Avenue by a man who asked if she wanted to buy a set of knives. The Officer advised that incidents can be addressed in the daytime, by use of the reporting Safe Land App. This App is available to Shopkeepers. It allows Shopkeepers to be alerted about criminals working in the Town. The App supports Police in addressing crime. The Officer shared printed information about the Neighbourhood link scheme. This scheme replaced Neighbourhood Watch. Residents were encouraged to sign up to Neighbourhood Link. Personal details will not be shared with third parties. Information sharing is covered under the GDPR (General Data Protection Register). A resident reported that a person was seen trying vehicle handles to gain entry. Most car thefts were said to be opportunist due to owners leaving their car doors unlocked. Residents were advised to check that their car door is locked by trying the handle before walking away. Residents reported concerns about speeding on Manor Road and Stoughton Road. The police have a tolerance level. Drivers who are speeding (over 40 Miles per hour) will be prosecuted by police. Local people are usually the speeding culprits. Volunteers go out with a Speed Gun to check speeding. Crime in Oadby is below the national average. Compared to Knighton crime is lower in Oadby. This decrease is supported by the local intelligence collected. This allows the police to target illegal activity. The Chair thanked the Beat Officer for providing the update. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Apologies for tonight’s meeting were received from: Councillors L Kaufman, J Kaufman and D Gamble. |
Minutes: Page 1: Councillor J Kaufman was to report on the Churchill Road issue regarding the traffic order on Churchill Road and restriction of access to allow only the residents. The sign is unenforceable. Page 5: On the issue of inviting various groups apart from Pride of the Borough: the following groups will be invited to attend future meetings in 2020. These are: • The Oadby, South Wigston and Wigston Multi-Cultural Group • The Senior Citizens Group. Page 6: The repairs to Fludes Lane path will be carried out with Capital programme funds. The repairs are to take place on the area from the A6 to Severn Road. Currently, the area between the A6 and Prince Drive was reported to be very muddy and requires emergency repair. Page 6:Councillor J Kaufman was to feedback on action to be taken regarding the overgrowth of hanging tree branches over pedestrian paths. In September, the County Council trimmed this growth back. Page 6: Councillor L Kaufman was to report on the issue regarding the provision of clearer signage of adult gym equipment and discuss whether there was a requirement for signage. In Uplands Park, a resident suggested clearer signage be placed at the point of entry, nearby the Gym equipment. The signage should state “no children to play on the equipment”. The area is deemed to meet legal requirements for safety. Action: Councillor S Haq is to feedback on this issue at the next Residents Forum meeting. |
Oadby Traders' Update Including South Leicester Wombles Minutes: The Motor Fest was a success. The event will be repeated in 2020. The festive light Switch-On takes place on Saturday 9th November 2019 from:2:00PM until 7:00PM. The lights will be switched on at 6:PM. The parade will close at 10:30AM to allow the fairground rides to set up and for safety checks to be carried out. The Chair expressed thanks for all the help given by the local community for their support of traders in these economically challenging times. South Leicestershire Litter Wombles are going from strength to strength. If anyone would like to join them, access the group on Facebook. South Leicestershire Litter Wombles will be helping Pride of the Borough on Saturday 19th October 2019. The Chair stated The Trader’s Chair requests the purchase and installation of a litter bin. The litter bin would be located by the bus stop outside the Council Depot in Oadby. |
Pride of the Borough Minutes: Mrs S Dickinson provided an update on behalf of Pride of the Borough. Oadby was awarded a gold for the 10th consecutive year in East Midlands in Bloom. The Loyalty Scheme now has 1,500 members. The funds raised go towards funding projects and competitions. Examples of these projects include the purchase of planters and new bulbs, and their placement around the Borough. New loyalty cards will be on sale December 1st 2019. Due to computer issues, Grange Farm will be no longer be accepting loyalty cards. Loyalty cards can be purchased from: • Zeph’s Café at Oadby Methodist Church Hall • The café at Brocks Hill Conservation Park Centre OWBC Customer Service Centre, Bell Street, Wigston |
Wigston Fire Services Minutes: The Fire Services presenter was absent. Action: In the absence of the presenter, The Chair requested an invitation be extended to the local Fire Services for attendance at the next Oadby Resident Forum meeting. |
Environment Working Group Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair gave a presentation on the work of the Environment Working Group. This was followed by two presentations about recycling and volunteering in the Borough. Environment Working Group The Chair provided a verbal update. This was supported by a paper outlining details of the Council’s Environment Strategy and actionplan. The Group has 18 priorities for action, which include: · Ensuring new Council buildings and Council housing properties are energy efficient: · Reducing the overall Council carbon footprint at the main Council offices. · Ensuring Council vehicles are energy efficient. · Promoting the purchase of new ultra low emission taxi vehicles. · Encouraging sustainable transport, including encouraging schools to take up sustainable travel initiatives. · Reducing the use of paper and plastic. · Developing a procurement strategy to maximise use of sustainable materials. · Raising awareness of initiatives and opportunities to support and encourage a cleaner environment for our residents. · Providing educational opportunities relating to the environment and engaging with nature. · Formally designating Brocks Hill Country Park as a Local Natural Reserve · Managing our parks to protect the countryside, preserve the local landscape and nurture wildlife. · Increase tree planting. · Support volunteers who are working to improve the environment.
An Oadby and Wigston Environmental Forum has been established. To request to join this Group email: . Information about this Group can also be accessed on the Local Council’s website. Action: Circulate The Chair’s Environment Working Group paper notes with the minutes.
Volunteering Development Oadby and Wigston Borough Council’s Marketing and Insight Manager provided the following update on volunteering in the Borough. A volunteering policy and a volunteering strategy are in development. They will be completed by 2020. Officers within the Local Council are to be encouraged to carry out volunteering activities. Residents are to be encouraged to volunteer via the Council’s Citizen’s Panel. There are 1,800 students to be encouraged to take up volunteering opportunities across the Borough. Informationwill be gathered in relation to volunteering in the Borough. Exposure via Social Media will be provided via the Local Council’s website with reference to groups and volunteering in the Borough. For more information on the policy and strategy contact: |
Chair's Updates |
Capital Projects Update Minutes: A request was received for the purchase and installation of a litter bin on Wigston Road, Oadby. The location of the litter bin is to be very near to the Oadby Depot entrance. A photo identifying the location was supplied. The Commemorative Stones which are to be installed on Burton’s Corner are on a working list of items awaiting fitting. |
Forum Budget Update Minutes: The current budget remaining is £42,449. |
Spending Requests Minutes: A request was received for the purchase and installation of a litter bin on the pavement in close proximity of the alley from Adlington Road to Launde Road. Residents voted unanimously in favour of the purchase and installation. There were no abstentions and no one voted against the proposal. A request was received for the purchase and installation of a litter bin for the bottom of Launde Road near to the bus Stop by Mosse Way. 23 Residents voted in favour of this proposal. There was 1 abstention. No one voted against the proposal. The Street Furniture Officer is to check whether the location is acceptable for placing the litter bin. A proposal was brought to the Residents Forum for the cleaning of the stone work at the base of the Oadby war memorial. 20 people voted in principle to funding the proposal. There were no votes against the proposal and no abstentions. Action: The proposer is to bring back a written and costed proposal to the next Residents’ Forum meeting. The Friends of Brocks Hill Group presented a funding proposal to the Residents Forum. The proposal is for the purchase of 7 Interpretation Boards. The total sum of £3,800 was requested from the Forum. Questions were raised about the proposal. It was viewed as a service level request for the Local Authority. The total cost of the project is: £7,825.23 people voted in favour of the proposal. There were no votes against the proposal and no abstentions. Action: The proposal is to be redrafted, the costs firmed up and it is to come back to the next Residents Forum meeting.
Items Raised by Residents Minutes: Street Lighting and Switch-off Residents requested clarification as to when Oadby street lighting will be turned off and whether the Police have made any correlation between the lights being switched off and crime. The Chair informed residents that the Police will not support the view that the lights staying on deter crime. The lights will be switched off at some stage. Path between Woodfield Road and Uplands Park The well-used path between Woodfield Road and Uplands Park has become dangerous to walk on. This is due to heavy rainfall and leaves, particularly at the top end near Uplands Park. A request was made for it to be inspected, so it can be repaired. Action: Councillors P Joshi, N Alam and F S Ghattoraya are to request Councillor Dean Gamble to report this matter to the County Council for repair. Overflowing litter bin next to the Severn Road Bus stop The Chair was requested to investigate whether someone is placing household rubbish in the litter bin. Councillor I Ridley has enquired of Council Officers whether there is a timetable as to when litter bins are emptied, when they become full. The litter bin on the Uplands Road is overflowing. The Grange Estate litter bins also need to be emptied. Action: Councillor I Ridley is to provide an update on this issue at the next Residents Forum meeting. Fly-tipping on Bluebell Close A report was made about fly-tipping and rubbish being dumped on Bluebell Close. Reports have been sent to Councillor Gamble. The Council has power to enforce clean-up. There has also been fly-tipping near the bottom of Florence Wragg Way. The litter bin here is missing. Action: The Resident was advised to contact the Chair about the missing litter bin.
Suggestions for Future Agenda Items Minutes: · Invite the local Fire Service to present on the work it does. · Bring an update on Phase 2 of the Cottage Farm development and clarify the channeling of Section 106 monies into facilities in the Borough. · Oadby Old Swimming Pool site and development of the land.
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, 21 January 2020 at- 6:30P.M. The venue is, the Walter Charles Centre, Wigston Road, Oadby, LE2 5QE. |