Venue: Brocks Hill Visitors Centre, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JJ
Contact: Veronika Quintyne - Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absences Minutes: None received. |
Local Policing Issues Minutes: Officer Len Browne provided the following Police update:
· The Police reported that the number of burglaries and thefts are down due to better intelligence and public cooperation. · Two self-help security measures for securing keys were suggested to residents. One method discussed was to cover keys with aluminium foil, which stops any signals being received from the keys. Secondly it was suggested that residents can purchase key wallets for around £5.00, the wallets also act as a block from the keys emitting signals.
Residents did not pose any questions. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 05 September 2018 Minutes: The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record. |
Minutes: Page 3 - The Blackthorn Neighbourhood Watch salt bin has been ordered from County Council Highways Department.
Page 3 - Payment to Oadby stakeholders for the ‘Oadby Remembers’ project of World War I Soldiers Art Installation is to be progressed to payment.
Page 4 - The Council will fund the ‘Sam Says Stop’ Campaign stickers from a central fund. The Licensing Service will distribute the stickers to taxi drivers once delivered.
Page 5 - A letter was written to Waitrose management on behalf of the Residents Forum to request repair to the damaged verge. A reply is awaited.
Page 5 - The County Council Highways department were written to requesting the old Oadby Swimming Pool sign be changed to point in the correct direction or be removed. Highways Staff responded to the request noting it was unsure which sign was being referred to, as it could not be found. Information was supplied as to where the sign is, however action is still awaited from Highways.
Page 6 - A new litterbin siting between Sainsbury’s Store and the A6 has been ordered. |
Be The Voice of Your Community - Becoming a Borough Councillor (Presentation) Minutes: · Steve Tucker from Democratic Services delivered a presentation titled: Be the Voice of Your Community. The presentation was focused towards making residents aware as to how to become a Councillor. · The Council is a multi-million pound organisation. · Prospective candidates need a mandate from residents to be elected. · May 2019 is election year. · Notification of the election will be published in March 2019. · Myths concerning how to be elected were outlined. · Democratic services provide support and information to prospective candidates standing for election. · Statistics were provided on the types of people who do or do not stand for election. · No formal qualifications are required to become a Councillor. · Democratic Services run the Councillor recruitment process and training provision. · Residents wishing to become a Councillor were advised to contact a current Councillor or a party branch for first- hand information on the experience of the process of becoming a Councillor. · For information and advice contact: or phone: 0116 257 2775. · The Council uses a number of schools for polling stations. It is determined by individual schools as to whether they will remain open or not on election days. The Chair thanked Steve Tucker for delivery of the presentation. |
Community Harmony Scarf (Presentation) Minutes: · A volunteer of the Oadby ‘Free Spirit Foundation’ delivered a presentation on the Community Harmony Scarf. · The goal of the project is to knit the community together. · The concept of the scarf emerged out of the Big Lunch event held in 2017. · Several copies of a flyer, which provides information as to why the Harmony Scarf was being developed, were circulated at the Forum meeting. · To find out more about when and where the knitting project volunteers meet and how to get involved contact Clare Lawrence-Simms on: 07732774170 or email: · The Harmony Scarf reflected the idea of young people feeling comfortable in their own skin and comfortable with others. A ribbon was chosen and knitted into the scarf. · The initial scarf represented strength and beauty. Sections continue to be knitted using a diversity of colour and texture of wool and ribbon. · The goal of the completed scarf is for it to be long enough to be wrapped around King Power Leicester Football stadium. · It currently measures 730 metres. Each section has a theme. For example: Fearlessness, Love and Hope. The Hope theme was begun at Oadby Mosque. The use of colours such as orange equates to the theme of Courage. The scarf has travelled as far as Cornwall and Spain. There now exists forty–two sections of the scarf. · The scarf is linked to the Town’s ‘Chatty Café Project’. · A scarf has been started using the Birmingham Football team colours. As it is linked to sport, the aspiration is it will provide men with an opportunity to support each other. · A person with an interest in Dementia donated Twenty-six metres of knitting wool. · A suggestion was made that publicity for the ‘Scarf Project’ could be sought through approaching Radio Stations in Leicester. Leicester Radio station has previously been approached. · Volunteers are being sought for the take up of knitting scarf sections. Volunteer recruitment is not focused on those who are professional knitters but on those who would be open to knitting simple sections. · Leaflets advertising the Community Harmony Scarf Project have been printed. A few leaflets were left with the community Engagement Officer. · The project is being marketed via Facebook and Twitter. It has been difficult to get schools involved as a school agenda is on academic learning. A school in Hamilton is adopting the Harmony Scarf Project. · A resident has agreed to help the project by sharing contacts with the Community Harmony Scarf Project. At the close of the presentation, the Chair thanked Mrs Lawrence for delivering the presentation. |
Oadby Traders' Update Minutes: No traders’ representative was present at the meeting. It was shared that the Oadby Lights Switch On takes place on Saturday 10 November 2018 at 18:00p.m. Activities take place from 14:00p.m to 19:00p.m.
There is a notice posted outside of Ellis Park providing details of the Oadby Light Switch-On. Change of route for the bus service on the Parade will be placed on the notice board. This year there are to be 55 stalls. The Parade will be closed for a period of time. |
Pride of the Borough Minutes: · Pride of the Borough has been established since 2003. It supports environmental improvements in the Borough through volunteers and the discount membership card to raise money. · The current loyalty card membership numbers 1,192 people. The card can be used at 49 business outlets ranging from the Grange Family Farm to local opticians. The new card will be issued on December 1 2019. The cost will remain at £5.00 a year. · Cards can be purchased from Brocks Hill cafe, Oadby Library and Bell Street Customer Services. Last year Britain in Bloom awarded a Silver Gilt Award. · In 2018 for the ninth year running, East Midlands in Bloom awarded the Town a gold medal. · A request was made for more volunteers. Volunteers are needed for a couple of hours in a month. · Volunteers for Pride of the Borough meet the third Saturday of each month to carryout litter picking and bulb planting. · There are large planters in situ at; Parklands Centre, the Legion, Epic Accessories, and Zeph’s Café car park. · Volunteers are required to keep watchful eyes on the planters to ensure they are maintained. Business Owners water the planters. One or two people are needed to help recruit more businesses. One or two hours of input a week are required from volunteers. Residents were requested to; contact Pride of the Borough if they wish to become a volunteer. |
Chair's Updates |
Capital Projects Update Minutes: Sandhurst School Commemorative Stones and Interpretation Board are in progress for completion.
Oadby Response Group Emergency Plan Leaflet funds are to be released shortly.
The Grit Bin for the Black Watch Community Group has been ordered from Highways. Delivery is awaited. |
Forum Budget Update Minutes: The current Forum Budget is £42,649.00. |
Spending Requests Minutes: No spending requests were received at tonight`s meeting. |
Items Raised by Residents Minutes: The Friends of Brocks Hill Group advertised a Christmas Talk.
The Friends of Brocks Hill Group advertised a Christmas Talk. The event is titled: “Archaeology after Richard III”. It starts at 18:30p.m.until 20:00p.m. Entry is £5.00 per person. Members of Friends of Brock Hill Country Park and Leicestershire Fieldworkers will pay a discount rate of £4.00. Request tickets by email by contacting:
Residents held a standing one minute of silence, in remembrance of the death of Mr VichaiSrivaddhanaprabha, owner of Leicester City Football Club. |
Suggestions for Future Agenda Items Minutes: Recycling Presentation - Invitation to Case Pak:
The next edition of Letterbox contains an article on local recycling using wheelie bins and bags.
Request the CasePak Company attend the next meeting to, deliver a presentation on how and what local residents can recycle.
Housing Developments and Implications
Request an officer from planning to provide an update on the implications of new housing developments in Oadby and Wigston Town.
Add this item to the next Residents Forum meeting agenda.
The Local Plan rollout
Place this as an agenda item for the next Residents ‘Forum meeting. |
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Wednesday 20 February 2019 at 6:30p.m. |