Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Tel: (0116) 257 2775 Email:
Note: Q3 (2019/20)
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members to determine the quorum of the meeting in accordance with Rule 7 of Part 4 of the Constitution. Minutes: Councillor J W Boyce, as Leader of the Council, wished for Members’ gratitude be put on the record to the Council’s outgoing Financial Services Manager, Chris Raymakers.
An apology for absence was received from Councillors L A Bentley, Mrs L Eaton JP, R F Eaton and D W Loydall. |
Appointment of Substitutes To appoint substitute Members in accordance with Rule 26 of Part 4 of the Constitution and the Substitution Procedure Rules. Minutes: Councillor Miss A Kaur substituted for Councillor D W Loydall. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct. In particular, Members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non-pecuniary'. Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 241 KB To read, confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting in accordance with Rule 19 of Part 4 of the Constitution. Minutes: By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 February 2020 be taken as read, confirmed and signed. |
Action List Arising from the Previous Meeting(s) To read, confirm and note the Action List arising from the previous meeting(s). |
Tuesday, 26 November, 2019 PDF 293 KB Minutes: By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The Action List arising from the previous meeting held on 26 November 2019 be noted. |
Tuesday, 11 February, 2020 PDF 283 KB Minutes: Councillor G A Boulter requested that the customer satisfaction surveys and contract monitoring arrangements in relation to the Council’s in-house cleaning service be completed sooner rather than later, and before September 2020.
Councillor K J Loydall JP requested that further consideration at a future meeting of the IT and Communications Working Group be given to the proposal of moving Letterbox to a digital-only version as part of wider review of the Council’s Communications Strategy.
By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The Action List arising from the previous meeting held on 11 February 2020 be noted. |
Petitions and Deputations To receive any Petitions and, or, Deputations in accordance with Rule(s) 11 and 12 of Part 4 of the Constitution and the Petitions Procedure Rules respectively. Minutes: None. |
Oadby & Wigston Empty Homes Strategy (2020-2025) PDF 296 KB Report of the Head of Built Environment Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out on pages 11 - 21 of the public agenda reports pack) which asked it to note the update with regard to the measures of success for 2019/20 relating to the issue of Empty Homes and to approve the proposed Empty Homes Strategy (2020-2025).
It was moved by Councillor J W Boyce, seconded by the Chair and
(i) The contents of the report be noted; (ii) The proposed Empty Homes Strategy (2020-2025) (set out at Appendix 1 to the report) be approved; and (iii) The number of long-term empty homes be monitored on a quarterly-basis and be reported to the Service Delivery Committee as part standard Council Performance Update report, which is to include the compilation and maintenance of a Register of Empty Homes detailing: (a) a condition assessment for each property; (b) a breakdown of the type(s) of long-term empty properties; and (c) an indicative action plan for each property.
Councillor Mrs L M Broadley left the Chamber at 7:43 pm. |
Interception of Communications Policy Update (March 2020) PDF 187 KB Report of the Head of Law & Democracy / Monitoring Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out on pages 22 - 37 of the public agenda reports pack) which advised it of the amendments made to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and asked it to adopt the proposed Interception of Communications Policy (“the Policy”).
Councillor K J Loydall JP requested that a hyperlink to the Communications Data Code of Practice (as referred to at page 26 of the public agenda reports pack) and details for the single point of contact (SPoC) (as referred to at page 29 of the public agenda reports pack) be inserted into the proposed Policy accordingly.
It was moved by Councillor K J Loydall JP, seconded by Councillor J W Boyce and
(i) The contents of the report be noted; (ii) The proposed Interception of Communications Policy (as set out at Appendix 1 to the report) be approved (as amended).
Councillor Mrs L M Broadley returned to the Chamber at 7:46 pm. |
Collection and Write-Off of Miscellaneous Debtors (Q3 2019/20) PDF 233 KB Report of the Financial Services Manager Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report (as set out on pages 38 - 41of the public agenda reports pack) which asked it to note the levels of outstanding debt owed to the Council at the end of quarter three of 2019/20 and for it to approve any write-off of uncollectable debts as per the Council’s Financial Regulations.
It was moved by the Chair, seconded by the Vice-Chair and
(i) The contents of the report be noted; and (ii) The write-off of bad debt (as set out at paragraph 6 of the report) be approved. |
Third Sector and Community Support Funding Requests (Q3 2019/20) PDF 207 KB Report of the Head of Community & Wellbeing Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (as set out on pages 42 - 50 of the public agenda reports pack) which provided it with an update on third sector and community support funding at the end of quarter three of 2019/20.
It was moved by the Chair, seconded by the Vice-Chair and
(i) The five Residents’ Forum funding applications (as set out at paragraph 2.3 of the report) be approved; and (ii) The updates and case studies provided by Citizens Advice and Helping Hands (as set out at Appendices 1 and 2 of the report) be noted. |
Standards & Ethical Indicators (Q3 2019/20) PDF 189 KB Report of the Head of Law & Democracy / Monitoring Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out on pages 51 - 60 of the public agenda reports pack) which asked it to note the figures for local determination of complaints and the ethical indicators for quarter three of 2019/20.
Councillor J W Boyce requested that further clarification be provided outside of the meeting regarding the ‘No. of Complaints Still Open’ under the heading ‘Anti-Social Behaviour Indicators’ (as referred to at page 59 of the public agenda reports pack).
Councillor J W Boyce further requested that the page-orientation of the appendix to the report be presented in a portrait format at all subsequent meetings.
By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The content of the report and appendix be noted. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The press and public are likely to be excluded from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (Exempt Information) during consideration of the item(s) below on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph(s) 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and, in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exempt item(s) outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (Exempt Information) during consideration of the item(s) below on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph(s) 1, 2, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and, in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exempt item(s) outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Proposed Disposal of Council-Owned Land in Oadby (Exempt Report) Report of the Trainee Solicitor Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the exempt report and appendices (as set out on pages 61 - 93 of the private agenda reports pack) which asked it to consider a proposed disposal of Council-owned land in Oadby.
It was moved by Councillor J W Boyce, seconded by the Chair and
The item of business be deferred to a subsequent meeting until such time as the detailed information as requested by the Committee is provided. |