Agenda and minutes

Children & Young Peoples' Forum - Wednesday, 28th March, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Mark Smith  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor Mrs S Z Haq


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 31 January 2018 pdf icon PDF 67 KB




The Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 31 January 2018 be taken as read and confirmed.


Police Update


Due to a Police representative being unavailable an update from them was deferred until the next meeting of the Forum.


MC raised that there are ongoing problems with a group of young people in the Little Hill area of Wigston. MS confirmed that the Police are aware of this issue, and that the case is currently under the review of the monthly JAG meeting.


In relation to the recent stabbing at Willow Park, Wigston including young people the Police have made knife crime presentations in local schools whilst investigations are ongoing.


IMPACT Team Update


Due to an IMPACT Team representative being unavailable this agenda item was deferred until the next meeting of the Forum.


Youth Council Update


The Forum heard that the Youth Council has now elected a new Chair following the previous Chair stepping down to focus on her academic commitments. It was noted that the former Chair will receive a letter of commendation from both Cllr R Morris and Mark Smith recognising her hard work during her tenure.


The Youth Council will also be launching a youth-focussed questionnaire shortly looking at capturing the views of young people in the Borough, the results of which will focus the Youth Council’s work for 2018/19.


Youth Council members are planning a Hate Crime Awareness event for October 2018 which will be young person lead, including decisions relating to which guest speakers to invite. This is being coordinated by a sub-group of the Youth Council, and funded via the Oadby & Wigston Community Safety Partnership who have funding available to support the initiative via the Home Office.


As part of their Curriculum for Life campaign, the Youth Council are looking at getting First Aid taught in schools across the Borough. A letter outlining their proposals for this is currently being drafted. It was noted that Blaby’s Youth Council are also looking at a Curriculum for Life campaign, and are looking to put a motion before Blaby District Council is support of this similar to the motion carried by Oadby & Wigston Borough Council last year. The Youth Council has offered their support to Blaby Youth Council regarding this.


April will see the first planning for Supersonic Boom 2018 take place with the Youth Council.


LCC Early Help Consultation


MS informed the Forum that the Council’s formal response to the County Council’s Early Help Budget review had been made on the morning of the forum date, and included input from Cllr Bill Boulter and Martin Hone.


The response was made via the review’s online portal, using the questionnaire provided by the County Council, and ultimately urged that the at risk Children’s Centre in the Borough should not be South Wigston’s given its location in a recognised, deprived community, and where those that regularly access the centre would be unable to transfer to Wigston Magna Children’s Centre due to the prohibitive cost of travel within the Borough.


Any Other Business


None raised.

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