Agenda and minutes

Licensing & Regulatory Committee - Thursday, 29th September, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Samuel Ball  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Appointment of Substitutes

To appoint substitute Members in accordance with Rule 4 of Part 4 of the Constitution.




Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct. In particular, Members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non-pecuniary'.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 20 July 2016 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To read, confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting in accordance with Rule 17 of Part 4 of the Constitution.




The minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 20 July 2016 be taken as read, confirmed and signed.


Petitions and Deputations

To receive any Petitions and, or, Deputations in accordance with Rule 24 of Part 4 of the Constitution.




Scale of Fees and Charges 2017/18 DOTX 81 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (at pages 4 - 9) as delivered and summarised by the Senior Democratic Services Officer / Legal Officer which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Chair moved the recommendation as set out at paragraph 2.1 of the report (at page 4).


The Vice-Chair seconded the recommendation.


Councillors Mrs H E Loydall and M H Charlesworth stated that the government failed to acknowledge that the statutorily-fixed fees and charges did not accurately reflect the monetary costs in real terms of administering the services. She further stated that not all fees and charges for discretionary services (as set out in the appendix) were accurately recorded in the narrative against the RPI increase at 1.9%.


The Members requested the Chair to liaise with the Interim Chief Finance Officer / Section 151 Officer to correct the same.



Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Checks (Verbal Update)


The Committee gave consideration to the verbal update as delivered by the Enviromental Health Team Leader.


The Enviromental Health Team Leader informed the Committee that ongoing checks were being undertaken by the Licensing Enforcement Officer on an ad-hoc basis against hackney carriage and private hire (HC/PH) vehicles licensed with this authority. She advised that those vehicles and drivers who were found to be non-compliant had been written to and the necessary enforcement taken accordingly.


She further informed Members that on 20 September 2016, licensing officers from this Council attended a multi-agency enforcement exercise held at East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington which checked HC/PH vehicles from different regional authority areas. A local enforcement exercise was also said to be scheduled for 30 September at Manor Road, Oadby between the hours of 08:00 pm and 01:00 am in response to complaint received in respect of HC/PH drivers illegally plying for hire.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall enquired as to what work had been undertaken by the Licensing Enforcement Officer to reduce incidences of HC/PH vehicle defects.


The Enviromental Health Team Leader that the information requested was not available at the meeting and would be circulated to Members accordingly.


The Chair requested that at update regarding the enforcement exercise on 30 September be reported back to the next meeting of the Committee.

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