Venue: Civic Suite 2, Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JJ. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Tel: (0116) 257 2775 Email:
Note: November (2024)
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members to determine the quorum of the meeting in accordance with Rule 7 of Part 4 of the Constitution. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillors J K Ford and R E R Morris. |
Appointment of Substitutes To appoint substitute Members in accordance with Rule 26 of Part 4 of the Constitution and the Substitution Procedure Rules. Minutes: Councillor J K Chohan substituted for Councillor R E R Morris. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct. In particular, Members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non-pecuniary'. Minutes: The Chair declared a pecuniary interest with regard to application no. 24/00414/FUL insofar as he was the applicant and proprietor of the subject property and therefore confirmed would leave the Civic Suite during consideration of the same. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To read, confirm and approve the minutes of the previous meeting in accordance with Rule 19 of Part 4 of the Constitution. Minutes: By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 October 2024 be taken as read, confirmed and approved. |
Land at Oadby Grange Near Devonia Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 4UJ (No. 22/00448/OUT) Report of the Senior Development Control Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Emily Bishop spoke upon the application on behalf of applicant/agent.
Maryam Ghezelbash spoke upon the application as an objector.
Councillor Samia Haq spoken upon the application as a Ward Councillor.
The Committee gave consideration to the report (as set out on pages 5 - 54 of the agenda reports pack) and the case officer’s presentation which asked it to determine an outline application (with all matters reserved) for the delivery and expansion of Community Country Park (including footpaths, car parking, habitat creation, landscaping, play space), retention of agricultural land (including provision of access), Medical Centre (use class E), Care Home Facility (use class C2) providing up to 65 bed spaces, Community Hub Building (use class E/F), and up to 147 no. residential dwellings (use class C3) with associated access, drainage, car parking, internal roads, landscaping, infrastructure and associated works.
It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor C J R Martin
The application be GRANTED planning permission in accordance with the submitted documents and plans subject to the prescribed conditions and informatives.
For 8 Against 2 Abstentions 1 |
19 Truro Drive, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2JD (No. 24/00414/FUL) Report of the Senior Development Control Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Having declared a pecuniary interest, the Chair left the Civic Suite and took no part in the debate on the planning application and voting thereon.
The Committee gave consideration to the report (as set out on pages 55 - 69 of the agenda reports pack) and the case officer’s presentation which asked it to determine an application for a proposed single storey rear extension to replace an existing conservatory, along with the internal alterations to the existing garage
The Committee was advised that the application was reserved to it for determination on the basis that the applicant was a serving Member of the Council (under paragraph 1.6.1(e)(i) of Part 3 of Section 3 of the Constitution) and but for that reason, it would have been determined by Officers under delegated powers.
It was moved by the Councillor C S Gore, seconded by Councillor C J R Martin
The application be GRANTED planning permission in accordance with the submitted documents and plans subject to the prescribed conditions and informatives. |