Agenda and draft minutes

Extraordinary Meeting, Full Council - Tuesday, 22nd January, 2013 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston

Contact: Ian Dobson  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from: Ms M V Chamberlain, Mrs E M Connell, M L Darr, Mrs S A Haq, Mrs R C Kanabar and P Swift.



Declarations of Interest


There were none declared.


Local Council Tax Support Scheme - Final Approval pdf icon PDF 170 KB


The Head of Customer Services (Mr Nowlan) introduced his report by referring to the workshops held with Members and other preceptors to develop its own Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS) as required by law on 31 January. The regulations, known as the Prescribed Scheme, were introduced in November but provided only limited information about the operation of any local scheme in respect of persons of working age. The Council has therefore been working with the other Districts to develop its own LCTS scheme. The scheme proposed in Appendix 1 is the outcome of the workshops and meetings and is recommended to Council for adoption. In addition, approval is sought to apply for the additional funding available to cover the cost of the first year’s transition to the new scheme.



  • The principles and regulations of the Government’s Default Scheme be adopted
  • The amendments to the Default Scheme as set out in Appendices 1, 1A-1D of the report be approved and adopted
  • Authorisation is granted to Officers to apply fro additional Government funding from 1 February 2013 as set out in Section 3 of the report.


Council Tax Discretionary Support Scheme pdf icon PDF 183 KB


This report introduced a new scheme for which provision exists under the Local Government Finance Act 2012 section 13A (1) (c). The scheme is designed to provide additional help and support to persons experiencing hardship in paying their Council Tax and will be essential in managing hardship following welfare reforms from 1 April 2013. The scheme has been jointly developed by local authorities across Leicestershire and Rutland to provide an effective means of supporting vulnerable persons or people suffering financial hardship.


Where Discretionary Council Tax Support is granted, this amount is usually fully met by the billing authority. However, the Council is working closely with the precepting authorities in Leicestershire and has negotiated a collective pot which will be jointly funded according to each authority’s share of the Council Tax overall charge. Members’ authority to set aside funds for this purpose is also sought.



·        The operation of the Discretionary Council Tax Support (DCTS) scheme from 1 April 2013 be approved

·        Funding of £4,201 to be set aside for the OWBC contribution to supporting the scheme, be approved.


Council Tax Discount Scheme pdf icon PDF 88 KB


This report introduced various changes to Council Tax exemptions for properties which are unoccupied, for whatever reason and went on to describe the various remedies applicable to such circumstances as property being renovated, unfurnished and unoccupied, second homes and other matters.


In planning for the introduction of these reforms, the Council took part in County-wide consultations and therefore the proposals are in line with all other Districts.




1.1.          Members approve setting the level of local discounts from 1 April 2013 provided for in Section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended) to the following rates:


1.1.1.              0% in respect of second homes


1.1.2.              0% in respect of properties which are empty and unfurnished


1.1.3.              50% in respect of properties which are empty, unfurnished and undergoing structural repairs or major repairs to render them habitable for a period not exceeding 12 months


1.2.          Members approve in 1.1.2 above that an ‘exempt’ period of 100% discount be granted for the first 28 days of a property being unoccupied and substantially unfurnished.



Empty Homes Premium pdf icon PDF 79 KB


RESOLVED: That in relation to Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 relating to long-term empty properties, the amount of Council Tax payable in respect of a long-term empty property shall be increased by 50% to a charge of 150%


Calculation of Council Tax Base pdf icon PDF 81 KB


RESOLVED: That theCouncil Tax Base of 16122.66 Band D equivalents for 2013-14 be approved.


NNDR1 - Business Rates Annual Return pdf icon PDF 64 KB


RESOLVED: That responsibility for the authorisation of the annual NNDR1 return be delegated to the Council’s Section 151 Officer.


Social Fund pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Mr Nowlan referred to the decision by Council at its last meeting to support the delegation of the Social Fund by the County Council to the Districts, subject to a number of caveats. Since that time, it has become clear that only three Districts including OWBC wished to support this and therefore the Districts would no longer be involved and the County would deploy a scheme which is outsourced.


Members were unanimous in their disappointment at this outcome, some queried the cost of administration whilst others were concerned with the mechanics of the operation. Mr Nowlan assured Members that as soon as he was in receipt of further information, this would be reported but all observations at this point were premature.


However, Councillor Boyce was not happy with the situation and asked that the County Council be asked to clarify the procedure upon application, for example, how long a time lapse there would be until a claimant receives payment, suggesting that this should be practically immediately and certainly within the same day, and secondly, that the County provide monthly monitoring data from the first month, since six months was too long to allow a failing system to continue, if that was the case.


Members agreed on the need to lobby the County Council on these matters together with the costs of administration of the scheme.


RESOLVED : That the report be noted, with Members’ requests as reported above, also be acted upon.


Affordable Housing pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive introduced his report informing Members of  the East Midlands Declaration on Affordable Housing. This had been drawn up by East Midlands Councils, which represents all the local authorities in the East Midlands. This Declaration was likened to the Nottingham Declaration on the Environment in its significance as affordable housing affected everyone, including all those organisations involved in the provision of such facilities.


The Task Force formed by the EMC will look at how Councils can increase delivery of affordable housing, involving everyone in the supply and delivery chain to try to combat the severely constrained market conditions over the next few years.


Members openly welcomed this level of support and unanimously endorsed it.


RESOLVED: Thatthe Council does formally endorse the East MidlandsDeclaration on Affordable Housing.

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