Agenda and minutes

Annual General Meeting (AGM), Full Council - Tuesday, 16th May, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Tel: (0116) 257 2643 Email:

Note: Annual General Meeting (2017/18) 

No. Item


Calling to Order of the Meeting and Prayers

The meeting of the Council will be called to order to receive His Worship The Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


Members, Officers and those otherwise in attendance are asked to remain standing whilst the meeting is led in prayer by the Chaplin.


The meeting of the Council was called to order to receive His Worship The Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


The meeting was led in prayer by the Chaplin to the Mayor.


The Mayor expressed his gratitude to the Chaplin for his support and assistance throughout the preceding year.


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillors E R Barr, Miss M V Chamberlain, Mrs S B Morris and R H Thakor.


Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct. In particular, Members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non-pecuniary'.




Mayor's Announcements






Citizen of the Year 2017/18

To confer the civic recognition of Citizen of the Year for the ensuing municipal year.


Councillor G A Boulter proposed that the civic recognition of Citizen of the Year for 2017/18 be conferred upon Mr Carl Walter.


The Member paid tribute to Mr Walter for his highly-commendable work and contributions to the organisation of various fundraising projects, events and meetings across the Borough throughout the previous years. The meeting particularly heard of Mr Walter’s strong commitments and working ties with the different communities and elected-Members in South Wigston. It was further noted that this was the first time this civic recognition was to be deservingly conferred upon a resident of South Wigston.


The Mayor presented Mr Walter with a silver salver and a floral presentation as a token of gratitude.


Young Citizen of the Year 2017/18

To confer the civic recognition of Young Citizen of the Year for the ensuing municipal year.


Councillor R E R Morris proposed that the civic recognition of Young Citizen of the Year for 2017/18 be conferred upon Miss Devina Amliwala.


The Member paid tribute to Miss Amliwala for her passionate work and dedication to the advocacy of “true citizenship” on a local and national level. The meeting particularly heard of Miss Amliwala’s commitment to academic excellence, pursuit of ambitious career prospects, participation in extra-curricular activities and her involvement in many youth-associated subjects and campaigns across the Borough.


The Mayor presented Miss Amliwala with a silver salver, a certificate and a cheque as a token of gratitude.


Address by His Worship Councillor Robert F Eaton


The Mayor described his year’s mayorship as a thoroughly wonderful term in office in which he had took immense pleasure and pride in being the First Citizen of the Borough and the many achievements made by the Council in the preceding year.


The meeting heard particularly about the joy the Mayor had personally taken in: Oadby and Wigston veterans being awarded the prestigious Légion D’honneur at a medal presentation held at the Council Offices on 19 January; the Royal Maundy Service at Leicester Cathedral on 13 April with HM The Queen and HRH Duke of Edinburgh; and the two staff Quiz Nights held on 22 November and 30 March.


The Mayor expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Mayor and the Mayor’s Secretary for their attentive work and assistance throughout the year. He presented the Secretary with a floral presentation as a token of his personal appreciation.


The Mayor announced that over £8,000 had been fundraised in trust of his nominated charity, the Leicester Children’s Holiday Centre (Mablethorpe), to which all its contributors were thanked.




The Leader of the Council, Councillor J W Boyce, led the appreciations for the outgoing Mayor’s term of office.


The meeting heard of Councillor R F Eaton’s highly organised approach to the execution of his civic duties and his judicious chairmanship at all meetings of the Council. It was said that he had done a suburb service and, as such, was described as an exceptional ambassador of the Borough.


Election of the Mayor for the Year 2017/18

To elect the Mayor of the Council for the ensuing municipal year.


The Mayor asked elected-Members for nominations for the election to the Office of Mayor for the ensuing municipal year 2017/18.


The Leader of the Council proposed that Councillor Mrs S Z Haq be elected to the Office of Mayor for the ensuing year.


He commended the Member’s extraordinary breath of understanding on a diverse range of community issues, her highly-organised approach and family-driven motivation and, as such, described her as an invaluable asset to both her party and to the Borough and its residents.


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor B Dave, seconded the Leader of the Council’s proposal.


He commended the Member’s well-known and much-loved notoriety within the Borough and her significant contributions to the richness of debate at Council meetings. He wished her every success in her prospective term of office.




Councillor Mrs S Z Haq be duly elected to the Office of Mayor for the ensuing year 2017/2018.


The newly-elected Mayor read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and duly signed the Register. Her Worship the Mayor and her Consort, Mr Zuffar I Haq, were invested with their respective Chains and Insignia of Office.


The Mayor addressed the meeting. She thanked the outgoing Mayor for his excellent work, together with her Proposer and Seconder for their nominations and confidence in her. She said that she felt humbled and honoured, pledging to fulfil the role to the best of her ability and competence for the Borough.


She further announced her chosen nominated charity, being the Leicester Hospitals Charity, particularly in its commitment to support the excellent and compassionate work with children and their families during difficult times of acute stress and trauma.


The Mayor presented Councillor R F Eaton with his Past Mayor’s Medallion.


Election of the Deputy Mayor for the Year 2017/18

To elect the Deputy Mayor of the Council for the ensuing municipal year.


The Mayor asked elected-Members for nominations for the election to the Office of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing municipal year 2017/18.


Councillor G A Boulter proposed that Councillor D M Carter be elected to the Office of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year.


He described the Member as a conscientious councillor, academic and pragmatist. The meeting particularly heard of the Member’s pro-activity in furthering the Council’s ‘Greening of the Borough’ agenda and keen involvement in the World War one ‘Oadby Remembers: 1914-18’ commemorative events.


Councillor J Kaufman seconded Councillor G A Boulter’s proposal.


He described the Member as an extremely affable individual who worked tirelessly and expeditiously for the residents of the Oadby St Peters Ward.




Councillor D M Carter be duly elected to the Office of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year 2017/2018.


The newly-elected Deputy Mayor read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and duly signed the Register. The Deputy Mayor and his Consort, Mrs Janet H Carter, were invested with their respective Chains and Insignia of Office.


The Deputy Mayor addressed the meeting. He thanked his Proposer and Seconder for their nominations, in whom he described as being positive role models for him, and for their support and encouragement over the past six years. The Deputy Mayor expressed his gratitude to the outgoing Mayor’s Consort, Councillor Mrs L Eaton, for her diligent assistance throughout the outgoing Mayor’s term of office.


The outgoing Mayor’s Consort and Deputy Mayor’s Consort were presented with floral presentations by the Mayor’s Consort.


Proposed Appointment of Office Holders, Committees & Memberships 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Presented by the Chief Executive

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to the report and appendix (at pages 1 - 9) as delivered as summarised by the Chief Executive which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Leader of the Council moved the recommendation at paragraph 2 of the report.


The Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor M H Charlesworth, seconded the recommendation.




That the nominated appointments of Office Holders, Committees, Boards, Panels, Forums and Working Groups of the Council and the Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Members (including the arrangements for Substitute Members) to serve thereon for the municipal year 2017/18 as set out in the Appendix be approved.


Final Schedule of Council and Allied Meetings 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

Presented by the Senior Democratic Services Officer / Legal Officer

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 10 - 26) as delivered as summarised by the Senior Democratic Services Officer / Legal Officer which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer / Legal Officer further requested elected-Members to resolve the following minor amendments made to the Final Schedule:-


(a)  The meeting of the Community Engagement Forum be rescheduled from 27 September 2017 to 28 September 2017 at 1:30pm;

(b)  The venue of the Oadby Residents’ Forum meetings scheduled on 15 November 2017 and 28 February 2018 at 6:30pm be amended to the Walter Charles Day Centre, Wigston Road, Oadby; and

(c)  The meeting of the Community Safety Partnership be rescheduled from 5 June 2017 to 12 June 2017 at 1:30pm, subject to further rescheduling of subsequent meetings due to recently notified clashes with meetings of the Joint Agency Group (JAG) to be confirmed at a later date.


The Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition expressed their gratitude to the Senior Democratic Services Officer / Legal Officer for his work in re/compiling the Final Schedule particularly in light of recent and unforeseen circumstances.


The Leader of the Council announced that the final Local Government Association (LGA) Members’ Training Session in respect of Member/Officer Relations would be held at the Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston on 31 May 2017 at 7:00pm


The Leader of the Council moved the recommendation (as amended) at paragraph 2 of the report.


The Leader of the Opposition seconded the recommendation (as amended).




That the Final Schedule of Council and Allied Meetings for the municipal year 2017/18 as set out in the Appendices be approved and adopted (as amended).


Newly-Elected Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor invited all those in attendance to accompany her to a Reception following the Annual General Meeting to be held at Parklands Leisure Centre, Oadby.

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