Agenda and minutes

Annual General Meeting (AGM), Full Council - Tuesday, 13th May, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston

Contact: Ian Dobson  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


P Swift


Mayor's Announcements






Young Citizen of the Year 2014/2015


Councillor Richard Morris paid tribute to Josh Advani describing him as a positive presence in the Borough. The meeting heard of Mr Advani’s excellent work and dedication to projects in the Borough and the Youth Council. Mr Advani received a silver salver and a floral presentation was made to his escort as a token of gratitude.


Citizen of the Year 2014/2015


Councillor Sharon Morris paid tribute to Reverend Albert Mosley for his work with the Multicultural Group and Council of Faiths in bringing different faiths together. The meeting heard of Reverend Mosley’s compassion and hard work for the good of others. Reverend Mosley was presented with his award and a floral presentation was made to his wife as a token of gratitude.


Address by His Worship, Mr F Broadley


The Mayor reflected upon his year in office describing the role as a privilege. He noted that the year had been interesting and filled with highs and lows.


The Mayor thanked his fellow Councillors for their support, spoke of his gratitude to his family and expressed his hope that the incoming Mayor enjoyed the role and received lots of support.




The Leader of the Council, Councillor John Boyce led the appreciations for the Mayor’s term of office, by stating that Councillor Broadley had handled meetings with a calm assurance and had been a superb ambassador for the Borough.


Councillor Bhupendra Dave thanked the Mayor for his tireless work for the people of the Borough and commended his style of working.


Councillor Mrs Gore paid her own tributes to the Mayor, echoing the sentiments of the other appreciations and thanking the Mayor for his charity work and the hard earned money that has been raised.


Election of the Mayor for the Year 2014/2015


The Mayor, Councillor Frank Broadley asked for nominations for the election of Mayor for the year 2014-2015. 


Councillor Bill Boulter proposed, and Councillor David Carter seconded, that Councillor Mrs Sarah Dickinson be elected to the Office of Mayor for the ensuing year.  Both Councillors Boulter and Carter reflected on the period during which they had known Councillor Mrs Dickinson and gave their view that Councillor Mrs Dickinson is an asset to the Borough. The nomination was put to the vote and carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Sarah Dickinson be elected as Mayor of the Council for the year 2014-2015.


The newly-elected Mayor, Councillor Mrs Sarah Dickinson, read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and signed the Register. Her Worship the Mayor and her Consort were invested with their respective Chains of Office. 


The Mayor then addressed the meeting, thanking the retiring Mayor and his Mayoress, and her Proposer and Seconder for their confidence in her and their nomination of her as Mayor. She thanked Councillors Frank and Linda Broadley for working tirelessly throughout the past year. The newly elected Mayor pledged to do her best for the Borough and nominated as her chosen charities, The Alzheimer’s Society and Wishes For Kids.


Election of the Deputy Mayor for the Year 2014/2015


The Mayor asked for nominations for the appointment of Deputy Mayor for the year 2014-2015.  Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman was delighted to nominate Councillor Latif Darr as Deputy Mayor, citing his hard work as a fellow councillor in Oadby Brocks Hill Ward. Councillor Michael Charlesworth seconded the proposal. The proposal was carried unanimously.


            The newly-elected Deputy Mayor read the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and signed the Register. The Deputy Mayor and his Consort were invested with their respective Chains of Office. 


The Deputy Mayor addressed the meeting, thanking his Proposer and Seconder, and told the meeting that he was looking forward to fulfilling the expectations of the role in the year ahead.


Floral presentations were made to the outgoing Mayoress and newly appointed Mayor and her Consort.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Latif Darr be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Council for the year 2014-2015.


Proposed Appointment of Committees and Membership 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report setting out proposed memberships to the Council’s Committees and associated appointments for 2014-2015, together with the additional paper circulated at the meeting and set out in report pages 1-5 which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.




1)    That the Committees and other bodies, and the nominations made to date, set out in the report, and additional paper, be noted.


2)    That the Chief Executive in consultation with political group leaders be authorised to make minor amendments to memberships of committees and other bodies. 


Final Schedule of Meetings 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive presented the report of the final schedule of meetings for 2014/15 as set out in report pages 6-10.


It was noted that some minor amendments of dates and times were required and that a final version of the schedule would be provided to Members in due course.




1)    That the Schedule of Meetings attached to the report be approved and adopted.


2)    That the Chief Executive in consultation with political group leaders be authorised to make minor amendments to the Schedule. 


Announcements by Newly Elected Mayor


The newly elected Mayor, Councillor Mrs Sarah Dickinson invited all those present to accompany join her at a Reception following the meeting at Parklands Leisure Centre, Oadby.

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