Issue - meetings

Statement of Gambling Policy (2016 - 2019)

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Full Council (Item 51)

51 Review of Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 88 - 120) as delivered by the Interim Licensing Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


It was stated that the reviewed Statement of Licensing Policy (“the Policy”) sought Members’ approval for adoption. He advised that the Policy was substantively a reaffirmation of the preceding edition (in force until January 2016) and additionally incorporated comprehensive guidance as to: (i) the definition of a “track” under the Gambling Act 2005 (at Part 21, pages 106 - 113); (ii) the requirement of local risk assessments (at Part 8, page 97); and (iii) the provision of a local area profile (at Part 9, pages 97 - 98). He stated that last remaining formality ahead of the Policy’s implementation was its advertisement and subsequent publication. 


The Interim Licensing Team Leader reported that the Policy was sent out for consultation for a period of 5 weeks commencing on 10 August and closed on 20 September, drawing Members’ attention to the notable representations made by the Bingo Association, the Racecourse Association and the Association of British Bookmakers (upon the instructions of Gosschalks Solicitors) in addition to fieldwork undertaken in partnership with Leicester Racecourse.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall, Chair of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, commended Officers’ for their work upon the reviewed Policy. She confirmed that the Policy had undergone a comprehensive review at the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 01 October 2015 and moved the Policy for adoption.


Councillor Miss M V Chamberlain, Vice-Chair of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, echoed the comments of Councillor Mrs H E Loydall and seconded the Policy for adoption.




The reviewed Gambling Statement of Licensing Policy be adopted.

Meeting: 01/10/2015 - Licensing & Regulatory Committee (Item 14)

14 Review of Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices delivered by the Interim Licensing Team Leader as set out in the report (at pages 4 - 36) which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


It was stated that the reviewed Statement of Licensing Policy (hereafter “the Policy”) sought Members’ recommendation to be brought before the next meeting of the full Council on 08 December 2015 for approval ahead of its enforcement commencing on 31 January 2016. He advised that the Policy was, substantively, a reaffirmation of the preceding edition and additionally incorporating comprehensive guidance as to: (i) the definition of a “track” under the Gambling Act 2005 (at Part 21, pages 22 - 29); (ii) the requirement of local risk assessments (at Part 8, page 13); and (iii) the provision of a local area profile, detailing a total of eight gambling premises within the Borough (at Part 9, pages 13 - 14). The Interim Licensing Team Leader was of the opinion that the Borough was not susceptible to a significant risk posed by gambling institutions.


He reported that the Policy was sent out for consultation for a period of 5 weeks commencing on 10 August and closed on 20 September, drawing Members’ attention to the notable representations made by the Bingo Association, the Racecourse Association and the Association of British Bookmakers (upon the instructions of Gosschalks Solicitors) as set out in the Policy (at pages 5 and 6). A reference was also made to a full list of consultees in Appendix 2 of the Policy (at page 36).


Councillors G A Boulter and Ms A R Bond sought further clarification as to the inclusive definition of a “track” pertaining to other unspecified venues and events which accommodate the provision of betting activity.


The Interim Licensing Team Leader advised Members’ that the term “track” was to be given a wide construction so to include any such ‘other

premises on any part of which a race or other sporting event takes place or is intended to take place’, as per the 2005 Act. It was stated that this would also include temporary and occasional use notices and that the list provided was non-exhaustive of the types of venues and events envisaged within the remit of the Act (at page 22 of the Policy).




The reviewed Statement of Licensing Policy be recommended to the full Council on 08 December 2015 for approval.