Issue - meetings

Mayor's Announcements

Meeting: 01/09/2015 - Full Council (Item 32)

Mayor's Announcements



Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Full Council (Item 17)

Mayor's Announcements



Meeting: 02/09/2014 - Full Council (Item 51)

51 Mayor's Announcements pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Council noted events attended by the Mayor within report pages 14 & 15.


The Mayor wished to record and pass on the whole Council's best wishes to Councillor Linda Broadley who is ill in hospital at the moment and hope that she has a speedy recovery.


The Mayor thanked members for the support they have given to her and her events so far


The Mayor announced the following forthcoming events and encouraged members to attend by letting Lesley Evans, The Mayors Secretary know.


Fashion Show on 24th September

Civic Service on 28th September


The Mayor also referred members to the new loyalty card being launched by the Pride of the Borough Group, details of which had been distributed, and encouraged them to become a member.