Issue - meetings

2021/23 Health Inequalities action plan discussion

Meeting: 25/05/2021 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 2021/23 Health Inequalities Action Plan for Comment and Sign-Off pdf icon PDF 550 KB


A Dingley presented the draft 2021 to 2023 Health Inequalities Action Plan, outlining Action 1 – 3. Cllr J Kaufman asked for clarification on the target for Action 3, which was supplied by H Khan as 12 schools. 


J Matthews provided an update on Action 4 and the success of the ‘Beat the Street’ physical activity/active travel programme with a total of over 3,230 participants from 9 primary schools and the community. Over 32,000 miles travelled. 52% of all primary school children took part in the target schools, with up to 70% engagement in some schools such as Thythorn Field and St John Fisher. Due to the success of the programme and both partner and public demand, there is a possibility a wider edition of the game could take place across the borough, and it was also proposed that this could be a yearly event dependant on staffing and funding capacity. Cllr L Kaufman supported these ideas and thanked J Matthews. 


A Dingley outlined Action 5 and 6, with Cllr J Kaufman asked for clarification on a number of successful bids for Action 6.  M Khan suggested a target of £20,000.


T Cawthorne provided an update on Action 7 stating that as of the 5th of May, currently 63% were registered with a number of the problems raised at the previous meeting now being addressed. Cllr J Kaufman commented on someone issuing questionable certificates. T Cawthorne provided an update on the new licensing law, the new procedures in place enabling online checks and this in conjunction with the new legislation enables action to be taken against these individuals.


J Matthews provided an update on Action 8 and 9, providing examples of the programmes to be delivered and the partners that will be providing support, including the highly successful ‘egg hunt’ which saw over 250 participants and the led walks programme, where volunteers have been recruited and are ready to start delivery of a general walking programme across the borough, as well as 1 to 1 walking support for isolated and vulnerable residents. Cllr J Kaufman asked for clarification on figures.  J Matthews stated for Action 8 (CYP Inactivity) that the suggested KPI of attendances were 4,400 (1450) attendances for general programmes, 8135 (2700) for targeted programmes across OWBC and LSLSSP. J Matthews stated for Action 9 (Adult Inactivity) that the suggested KPI for general programme attendances, 650, for targeted programme attendances 510.


J Mackenzie provided an update and overview of the projects for Actions 10- 19 and stated that these are progressing with a lot of work in engaging with community groups through various avenues.


Cllr L Kaufman explained that there was a problem with bus services in the borough with a number of areas being isolated, this was supported by Cllr R H Adams and RC.  It was recommended that Cllr J Kaufman write a letter to Arriva. D Gill advised that Arriva are looking for full service to return 21st of June 2021  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5

Meeting: 23/03/2021 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 34)

34 2021/23 Health Inequalities Action Plan Discussion pdf icon PDF 415 KB


K Radford provided a short updated of the current plan and requested partners feed in to the new plan going forward.  An email will be circulated to capture views, including from those agencies/ partners not able to be present at the meeting.


K Radford stated that although the year had been challenging good work had been done by the Board, including the delivery of a Stoptober campaign and mental health campaign. 


A discussion was had around recovery from the impacts of COVID and reassuring people about safety returning to activities/ groups whilst reminding that one vaccination does not cover everything and following social distancing advice will be required.


Concerns were raised around groups and organisations that may have been impacted financially, including Age UK, which is closing.  There are on-going conversations around what happens to their building and how people can work with/ get information to service users.