Issue - meetings

Dr Richard Palin - General Practice, Health inequalities, COVID impact/long COVID; vaccine take up

Meeting: 23/03/2021 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 28)

General Practice, Health Inequalities, COVID Impact / Long COVID, Vaccine Take-Up

Dr Richard Palin


Dr R Palin reported that we are starting to see the benefits of the COVID vaccine, with numbers of patients/ deaths/ intensive care beds falling.  O&W update numbers are high and currently working through the age groups.  Some difficulties for GP’s with people been called in different ways. 


There is some knock on impact to other health programmes, i.e. screening rates have dropped and this will be the PCN’s next focus.


Still working out the impact of long COVID, both in terms of those experiencing symptoms and those with anxiety of coming out of lockdown.  A long COVID recovery website is coming, containing general information and opportunities to speak to GP’s about symptoms.


Overall the PCN has had a positive year in terms of working closer with the Croft and some success in expanding Health & Wellbeing team.  Have tried to keep up to date, used video/ telephone consultations, which have worked well.


There were some concerns around receiving the second dose.  Surgeries are working with different approaches, some booking in advance.  In terms of the borough public health message some work to be done around reassuring people it is safe to get vaccinated and encourage people to take up when offered.


In general routine screenings are taking place and people are encourage to take these up when called.