Issue - meetings

Appointment of Office Holders, Council Bodies & Memberships (2021/22)

Meeting: 04/05/2021 - Full Council (Item 79)

79 Appointment of Office Holders, Council Bodies & Memberships (2021/22) pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Report of the Assistant Solicitor

Report of the Democratic & Electoral Services Manager / Deputy Monitoring Officer

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 1-13 of the agenda reports pack which asked it to approve the appointment of Office Holders and Committees, Boards, Panels, Forums and Working Groups of the Council, together with the Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Members to serve thereon for the ensuing municipal year 2021/22.


It was moved by the Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris and





(i)       Councillor N Alam be appointed Chair of Oadby Resident’s Forum.


Votes For                  23

Votes Against          1

Abstentions             0


It was moved by the Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris and





(i)          The current political balance of the Council and the proportionality arrangements as a result thereof in terms of eligible Member representation and allocation of seats on Council bodies by political group be noted;

(ii)         The nominated appointments of Office Holders and Council bodies and the Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Members to serve thereon for the ensuing municipal year 2021/22 be approved;

(iii)       The revised structure of Council bodies (as set out at Appendix 4 to the report) be noted; and

(iv)        Delegated authority be given to the Head of Law & Democracy / Monitoring Officer to make any subsequent amendments to the structure of Council bodies as appropriate.


Votes For                  22

Votes Against          1

Abstentions             1