Issue - meetings

Draft Schedule of Council & Allied Meetings (2019/20)

Meeting: 05/03/2019 - Change Management Committee (Item 29)

29 Draft Schedule of Council & Allied Meetings (2019/20) pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the Senior Democratic Services Officer / Legal Officer

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The Committee gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 14-17 of the agenda, which asked it to note and comment on the draft Schedule of Council and Allied Meetings (“the draft Schedule”) for the municipal year 2019/20 as set out in the report.

Officers provided the Committee with a brief summary of the report, and informed Members that several dates had been amended, it was confirmed that the changes would apply to one Full Council meeting, which had since been rearranged from 25 June to 30 July. In addition to this, Service Delivery Committee that would now be held on 10 September  as opposed to 03 September and this in turn would mean that the Policy, Finance & Development Committee would be arranged from 10 September to 17 September 2019.

Members suggested that it would be beneficial for newly elected Members to be provided with the Schedule of Council and Allied Meetings before it is adopted in May, once it has been approved by Full Council. This would provide newly elected Members with sufficient information to make an informed decision regarding which Committee would be most appropriate for them to attend once elected.

By affirmation of the meeting it was




The contents of the report be noted.