78 Pay Policy Statement (2019/20) PDF 71 KB
Report of the Head of People & Performance
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The Council gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 41-52 of the agenda, which asked it to approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 and the continued commitment to paying the Real Living Wage.
It was noted that earlier in the month the latest Gender Pay Gap figures had been published by those organisations required under legislation to do so by virtue of having 250 or more employees. Whilst the size of Oadby & Wigston Borough Council’s workforce meant that the Authority fell below the statutory threshold of being required to report the Pay Gap, the Leader of the Council requested that the figures for the Authority be calculated and included within the 2020/21 Pay Policy Statement. The Head of People & Performance confirmed that the Council does calculate its Gender Pay Gap and has previously reported it to the Policy, Finance and Development Committee, but undertook to also include it in in next year’s annual Statement.
It was moved by the Leader of the Council, seconded by K J Loydall JP and
(i) The Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 be approved; and
(ii) The Council’s continued commitment to paying the Real Living Wage be approved.