Issue - meetings

Licensing Update (Q3 2018/19)

Meeting: 31/01/2019 - Licensing & Regulatory Committee (Item 27)

27 Licensing Update (Q3 2018/19) pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Senior Licensing & Enforcement Officer

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (as set out at pages 6 – 11 of the agenda pack) which asked it to note the work undertaken by the Licensing Section during the third quarter of 2018/19.


The Committee reiterated its concerns regarding the increasingly high number of combined Hackney Carriage / Private Hire (HC/PV) drivers’ licence applications continuing to be received by/for a Council of a relatively small administrative area.


The Committee was advised that no limit on the number of HC/PV drivers’ licences issued could be enforced as the Council was statutorily obliged to grant to any person a licence if it was satisfied that the applicant was a ‘fit and proper person’. However, a number of measures to strengthen existing testing processes were to be introduced imminently in order to filter out a higher calibre of licenced drivers.


The Committee was also advised that the possible introduction of a saturation policy to limit the number of hackney carriage vehicles would be difficult to implement given the robust evidence-base needed to withstand any potential challenge.


The Chair requested that any matters pertinent to the Borough as raised at the Leicestershire & Rutland Licensing Forum be reported back to the Committee.


By affirmation of the meeting, it was




The contents of the report and appendix be noted.