26 Environmental Health Update (Q3 2018/19) PDF 78 KB
Report of the Acting Environmental Health Team Leader
The Committee gave consideration to the report (as set out at pages 2 – 5 of the agenda pack) which asked it to note the work undertaken by the Environmental Health Section during the third quarter of 2018/19.
The Committee was advised that there had been no increase in fly-tipping incidents over the past 12-months nor was there any evidence of any incident being directly attributable to/since the introduction of itemised charging for the disposal of non-household items at the Oadby Waste Site (as of April 2016).
No Fixed Penalty Notices were reported to have been issued under the Public Space Protection Order or for fly-tipping or littering during the third quarter. This was due to either being no known contraventions or a lack of evidence identifying those persons responsible. However, Officers were confident that the ongoing use of portable cameras in problem areas would assist in future detection and prevention.
The Committee was informed that the issues reported regarding accumulations of litter on/around privately-owned commercial premises in Wigston Town Centre continued to be relayed on to the relevant premises’ management and/or owners who were being encouraged to undertake more regular monitoring and cleaning.
The Chair requested that drone and model aircraft usage be included as a standing item in all subsequent quarterly report updates to the Committee.
By affirmation of the meeting, it was
The contents of the report be noted.