Issue - meetings

Report for Determination

Meeting: 29/11/2018 - Determination Sub-Committee (Item 10)

Report for Determination

Determination of a report of the Deputy Monitoring Officer relating to an allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct by Councillor Miss Anne R Bond.

Additional documents:


The Committee received the report as set out on pages 1-33 of the exempt agenda, which asked it to adjudicate on an allegation that Councillor Miss A R Bond breached the Members’ Code of Conduct.


Having considered the report, the advice of the Independent Person and the advice of the Monitoring Officer, it was




(i)       In respect of the complaint dated 03 July 2018, Councillor Bond is required to make a satisfactory written apology to the complainant, approved by the Monitoring Officer, before the end of December 2018;

(ii)     In respect of the complaint dated 21 July 2018, Councillor Bond is required to make a satisfactory verbal and written apology to all Members, approved by the Monitoring Officer, at the next meeting of Full Council on Tuesday 11 December 2018; and

(iii)   In the event that Councillor Bond fails and/or refuses to apologise in accordance with resolutions (i) and (ii) above, the Sub-Committee will issue a letter of Censure, report its findings to Full Council and publish its findings on the Council’s website.