37 Community Services Update (Q2 2018/19) PDF 81 KB
Joint Report of the Housing Services Manager and Community Property Manager
Additional documents:
The Committee received the report (as set out on pages 34 - 40) which asked it to note the progress made in delivering community services during the second quarter of 2018/19.
Due to the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, it was reported that there has been an increase in the number of homeless applications made in the Borough. The Committee suggested that Officers produce statistical tracking for the various stages of the Personal Housing Plans (PHPs) to show clarity on the pressures that the service is experiencing. The Committee were notified that the Council had entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with a local homelessness organisation to provide support on receiving referrals, as well as receiving a grant of £5,000 through the Government’s Cold Weather Fund. It was confirmed that both these developments would assist the Council in tackling homelessness in the Borough.
Members were advised that with regards to the Lightbulb Project, the total Disability Facilities Grant for 2018/19 was £376,000. As of November 2018, the project had committed to 71 projects in the Borough with a total spend of £215,000.
With reference to paragraph 7.1, Members disagreed with the sentiment of the information provided due to the differing structure of the Council in comparison to Lightbulb. It was confirmed to Members that the specification of the organisation was different and the scheme was now controlled under one assessment, as opposed to being a two tiered assessment control. With reference to paragraph 8.2, it was confirmed that the restricted parking scheme was set to be introduced before the end of the month at Churchill Close car park.
The Committee was provided with the Capital Programme (CP) 2018/19 – Quarter Two Budget Outturn. Members requested that an addition be made to Appendix 1 to show the projected outcome of Capital Programmes in order to obtain a clearer view of budgets. Officers advised that additional resources and personnel had also been put in place in order to progress the delivery of and better forecast the CP going forward.
By affirmation of the meeting, it was
That the contents of the report and appendix be noted.