Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Update (Q2 2018/19)

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Service Delivery Committee (Item 36)

36 Corporate Performance Update (Q2 2018/19) pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Report of the Director of Finance & Transformation / Section 151 Officer


The Committee received the report (as set out on pages 26 - 33) which asked it to note the performance of the Council against its Corporate Objectives during the second quarter of 2018/19.


It was reported that the at the end of the second quarter, of the 96 performances measured 74 were green, 12 were amber and 10 had red status. Quarter two Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) were also highlighted to Members, showing that out of the 6 completed, 5 were green and 1 red.


Members requested that going forward, a more consistent method of measurement was required regarding Supersonic Boom. The Committee requested that the Council set a long term target for the project.


Officers indicated to Members that with regards to planning targets, they were set as Government Performance requirements however through negotiation with developers, an extension of time was allocated in the majority of applications made to the Council. It was suggested by the Committee that targets should show prevalent averages to show a more accurate representation of whether a target was being met. 


Regarding Table 3, Exception Reporting (at page 30), Officers acknowledged that the figures at ESP16 could be misleading, however the Committee was advised that moving forward, the target would be set against the national average of 11% as opposed to the current target. Regarding ESP29, it was acknowledged that the set collection rate for Council Tax had not been achieved in previous years due to the challenges faced from the introduction of the Council Tax Support Scheme. The Committee requested that targets for collections rates needed to expressly be reported going forward, together with an appropriate action plan if targets were not being met.


A Member of the Committee queried whether it would be feasible to introduce monitoring of planning enforcement targets and devise a reporting mechanism to ensure satisfactory levels of performance. The Director of Finance and Transformation undertook to look at the feasability of incorporating this into the scheme.


By affirmation of the meeting, it was




That the contents of the report and appendix be noted.