44 Lightbulb Project & Disabled Facilities Grants Update (Presentation) PDF 606 KB
Presentation to be delivered by Blaby District Council
The Mayor welcomed Jane Toman, Quin Quinney and Taranjeet Bhaur from the Lightbulb Project to the meeting. The Council then received a detailed presentation covering the key improvements, challenges and learning points recognised from the project to date. A copy of the presentation is attached to the printed minutes of the meeting at Annexe A.
The Leader of the Council thanked the Lightbulb representatives for their attendance at the meeting and acknowledged that the project had moved forward a considerable distance from where discussions had started approximately three years ago. It was also acknowledged that a number of concerns which had been raised both by Members and service users had been, or were in the process of, being appropriately monitored and addressed. Praise was given for the project’s success in working in partnership across a diverse range of providers, including Clinical Commissioning Groups which were notoriously complex to deal with.
A Member raised a concern regarding figures suggesting that 11% of service users had reported dissatisfaction with the quality of service they had received, and asked whether any common patterns had been identified within the feedback which required further analysis. The Lightbulb representative gave an assurance that all feedback received is thoroughly scrutinised as part of the project’s commitment to continuously improving service user satisfaction levels.
With regard to the future of the project, it was confirmed that the original agreement entered into by the Council was on the basis of an 18 month contract, which would fall due for renewal in April 2019. The Lightbulb representatives explained that a business case would be drawn up in advance of the renewal date to make the case for entering into a longer-term arrangement of either 3 years or 5 years after April 2019, in order to deliver certainty and longevity for all parties involved in the project.
By affirmation of the meeting it was
The contents of the presentation be noted by Members.
Councillors D A Gamble and M L Darr left the Chamber at 8.15 pm.