Issue - meetings

Draft Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 02/10/2018 - Full Council (Item 51)

51 Draft Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Report of the Planning Policy Team Leader

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 162-228 of the agenda, which asked it to approve the draft Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document for the purpose of a 6 week consultation due to commence on Monday 08 October 2018.


Following issues identified in relation to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) situated in a Conservation Area, a Member sought assurances that the adoption of the Supplementary Planning Document would give the Authority suitable powers to avoid any proliferation of HMO’s in areas that were not appropriate. The Head of Planning, Development & Regeneration confirmed that all applications have to be considered on their own merit, although the future adoption of the Local Plan should provide the Council with a suitable level of control.


With regard to Spa Lane Conservation area, a Member suggested a small number of additional sites/buildings for inclusion within the document. The Head of Planning, Development & Regeneration noted the suggestions and undertook to feed back to the Planning Policy team.


As a general observation, a Member noted that the document was one of four documents on the agenda which proposed being approved for a 6 week consultation starting on Monday 08 October 2018. It was felt that having four consultations open simultaneously might dilute the quality and quantity of the responses received, therefore it was suggested that in future more careful consideration be given to the spacing of consultation exercises.


It was moved by The Deputy Leader of the Council, seconded by J Kaufman and




The draft Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Document be approved for the purpose of a 6 week public consultation due to commence on Monday 08 October 2018.