50 Draft Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document PDF 70 KB
Report of the Planning Policy Team Leader
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The Council gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 131-161 of the agenda, which asked it to approve the draft Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document for the purpose of a 6 week consultation due to commence on Monday 08 October 2018.
A Member welcomed the inclusion of housing standards within the report, as a means of addressing the recent issue of planning applications seeking to sub-divide, convert and/or change the use of existing properties into flats/apartments not of a size suitable for modern-day living standards. The Member also stated that particular attention should be given to addressing the decline in the number of bungalows being built in the Borough, ideally requiring a fixed percentage of bungalows to be included in any new developments. The Head of Planning, Development and Regeneration acknowledged that any assessment of housing need should consider the types of property required in addition to the numbers required, and stated that future adoption of the Local Plan and Housing Strategy should give put the Authority in a stronger position when it came to negotiations over future developments.
It was moved by Mrs H E Loydall, seconded by J Kaufman and
The draft Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document be approved for the purpose of a 6 week public consultation due to commence on Monday 08 October 2018.