Issue - meetings

Third Sector and Community Support Funding Requests (Q1 2018/19)

Meeting: 18/09/2018 - Policy, Finance & Development Committee (Item 26)

26 Third Sector and Community Support Funding Requests (Q1 2018/19) pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits

Additional documents:


The Committee received the report as set out on pages 42-48 of the agenda, which asked it to note the contents of the report and Appendix and approve the expenditure requests received from the Residents’ Forums.


The Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits provided the Committee with a brief summary of the report.


A Member of the Committee expressed concern that Council’s contract with the Helping Hands Trust and the Citizens Advice Bureau fell due for renewal on 31 May 2019 but arrangements beyond that date had not yet been discussed. It was suggested that urgent work should be undertaken to review the adequacy of the current arrangements before simply signing a rolling renewal. The Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits agreed to establish contact with both organisations in the near future to commence this process.


With regard to the ‘Sam Says Stop’ campaign, the Committee reiterated its wholehearted support for the initiative, despite there being a delay in securing funding. It was confirmed that funding was no longer being sought from the Resident Forums, for which the Chair of Licensing offered an apology. It was confirmed however that alternative sources of funding were now in the process of being identified. The Committee requested that an update on funding be provided to Members prior to the next cycle of Resident Forums.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by the Vice-Chair and




(i)       The contents of the report and Appendix be noted; and

(ii)     The Forums’ expenditure requests be approved.