Issue - meetings

Interim Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

Meeting: 31/07/2018 - Full Council (Item 28)

28 Interim Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of the Democratic & Electoral Services Manager

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The Council gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 31-49 of the agenda, which asked it to approve the revised polling districts and polling place arrangements as proposed by the (Acting) Returning Officer and as set out at Appendix 3.


A Member spoke in support of the proposed change of polling place in Wigston Meadowcourt Ward from the Girl Guide Clubroom to South Leicester Rugby Club. It was argued that this change was long overdue as the Clubroom offered inadequate facilities for staff and voters and unsuitable parking provision. The Rugby Club meanwhile offered superior facilities and was located conveniently for the ongoing housing development taking place in the area. It was stressed that electors affected by the change would need to be given information regarding the new arrangements and appropriate signage would need to be in place on polling day to avoid any confusion.


A Member also asked whether the redevelopment of Horsewell Lane Pavilion was expected to have any impact on polling arrangements for electors in polling district M (All Saints Ward) during the elections scheduled for May 2019. It was confirmed that any impact of the renovation works was expected to be minimal, as the old Pavilion would remain fully operational until such time as the new facility became available for use.


It was moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor L A Bentley and




The revised polling districts and polling place arrangements be approved.