Issue - meetings

Proposed Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) Policy (February 2019)

Meeting: 07/03/2018 - South Wigston Residents' Forum (Item 33)

Air Quality ASR 2018 Update (Briefing Paper)


An update sheet was provided for residents at the meeting.


Some residents voiced their inability to understand what the figures in red and orange represented.


It was reported that some of the air quality collection tubes were being stolen. The Chair requested residents report anyone seen interfering with the tubes.


This was important as the Council was required to measure the air quality. Currently the measurements do not meet Government levels.


The Chair on being questioned whether the air quality level by Lidl and Wickes will be exceeded in the future, stated if the level exceeded the Government monitoring level, the area would become an air quality monitoring area and action taken to address this.


Action 3:

The Community Engagement Officer will obtain clarification as to the meaning of the colours used and update residents at the next Residents` Forum meeting.