Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents


Grass Cutting

Several residents at the Forum raised concerns with the lack of grass cutting in Wigston and specifically in the Meadows Estate. This is causing a risk to safety and children can now no longer place in certain areas.


Cllr Boulter advised that the Council have been cutting grass on land which is in fact not owned by them. If there were any accidents as a result of this, the Council would not be covered by insurance. The Council continue to survey land in which grass is cut to establish owners. The Council have contacted land owners and advised that they will now need to arrange plans to cut the grass or to pay the Council to do this on their behalf.


Cllr Boulter advised that Members were not made aware that the Council were to execute this plan but have since met with the Council’s Chief Executive.


Cllr Boulter have been advised that Leicestershire County Council will not be cutting grass on their land in May.


A resident asked why have the Council been cutting grass in certain areas for years but have since stopped. Cllr Bentley advised a decision has been made to reduce the grass cutting due to Council finances.


A resident raised that Staindale has not seen grass cutting for a considerable amount of time. Cllr Boulter is to follow up on this. 


Newton Lane bridge

A resident raised that the bridge on Newton Lane is still not yet open. This falls outside the Borough.


Spion Cop/Bridge from South Wigston to Wigston

Cllr Boulter advised residents that the bridge will be closed in June 2025 for between 4 and 6 months. There will be pedestrian access but not for vehicles. The recommended diversion route from Leicestershire County Council is 7.5km/5miles long. Cllr Charlesworth stated that only the central section of the bridge is to be replaced.


Cllr Charlesworth advised that during this period, buses will not follow their normal route and terminate on either side of the bridge.


British Legion, The Elms

A resident raised a query as to what will is happening with The Elms. Cllr Boulter advised that the roof has been repaired and painting completed inside. A sign has been erected to state it will be a bar and restaurant. The premise will have to apply for a new license.


A resident asked if when applying for a new licence, if the frontage of the building can be considered. Cllr Boulter advised that it cannot, however there can potentially be enforcement action if it warranted it. It was asked if the blue plaque can be maintained by the developers.


Nautical William

Cllr Boulter advised that the building is to be sold to develop for potential new homes.


Brocks Hill Council Offices

When parking at Brocks Hill, there is very little signage to direct residents to where the Council reception is. Historic England are interested in the property.  



Potholes neat Little Hill shops

A resident wanted her thanks to Cllr Charlesworth in the minutes for being involved in the potholes being filled.


Ross Lane

Concerns were raised that old leaves are not be swept in this area. Cllr Boulter advised that the Council does not possess a sweeper small enough to access the narrow footpath. Cllr Boulter is to follow this up.


Parlour Close

The Council owned area of Parlour Close is not being cleaned. Cllr Boulter will follow this up.


Bus Timetables, Little Hill

A resident advised that there are no timetables at bus stops. Cllr Charlesworth is investigating this in order to get timetables installed. Cllr Charlesworth is also trying to get papers copies sent to residents.


Parking machines at Brocks Hill/Parklands Leisure Centre

The keyboards on the parking machines are too small, some digits are also worn down. Cllr Boulter advised the new parking machines are to be installed.


Culworth Drive

The street lighting on Culworth Drive does not offer enough lighting and is extremely dark. Cllr Charlesworth advised that the lighting has been dimmed to 30%. Cllr Boulter will follow up on this.


Clogged drains

Concerns were raised that drains are being clogged up due to soggy leaves. Cllr Boulter advised that a new path sweeper is being sought.


Path between Foston Gate and Newton Lane estate

A resident has enquired whether a public footpath can be built to connect the two areas with lighting etc. Cllr Boulter to follow this up.